The Yankee Candle inidicator

“Scented candles: An unexpected victim of the COVID-19 pandemic 1/n”

Analysis of complaints that scented candles have no scent as an indicator of Covid

One side benefit to wearing a mask in stores is I no longer gag when I walk past the scented candle displays.

If you can’t smell a Yankee Candle, you really DO have no sense of smell.

I went into their store to buy something a while back, and I smelled like that store for the rest of the day. I could even smell it in the laundry basket when I washed those clothes.

Or walk by a LUSH store. Same issue.

There’s a candle store that just opened up at the nearby mall. Good time of year to open, but difficult to get a sense of the individual scents while wearing a mask.

As a kid I despised having to walk through the perfume section at the anchor department stores at the mall. And that section was always right inside the entrance on one of the floors. Could not breath and could not avoid.

I had/have no other smell sensitivities. And perfume sections didn’t trigger hives, wheezing, etc.; it wasn’t an allergy. But Gaah!!!1! was that gross.

I still call those other retailers “the stinky candle store” or “the stinky soap store” or whatever. About as desirable / objectionable as an overflowing toilet. But just as non-dangerous.

We always called them “Stanky Candles” for the same reason.

I love it! Why have I never thought of that?!

Scented candles aren’t too good for your health anyway. They are indoor pollutants, and some may be carcinogenic.

I used to know a guy who managed the Yankee Candle at the local mall. At the time, Yankee Candle offered room sprays to compliment (???) their candles. He would periodically go out in front of the store during lulls in foot traffic and spray copious amounts of the stuff.

Speaking of stores that suffered from the same problem, I’m convinced that Crabtree & Evelyn’s overpowering stench of rose and lilac gave plenty of potential customers the wrong idea about the kind of products the store carried. They really had some neat stuff, but you wouldn’t have known it from just catching a whiff while strolling through the mall.