The Year 2020

Shamelessly stolen Dad humour:

“We can’t even plan for next year because that would mean 2021.”

Yeah but, you know, if there’s ever been a year in the ever where you could read a headline about swarms of murder hornets killing everybody and you’d just go, I don’t know, maybe, sounds plausible? – it’s this one.

So yeah, fuck 2020.

I’d decided a couple days ago that 2020 is the Year Of Anger. I already have a bad time with being angry. All this shit is just PISSING ME OFF MORE! JUST FUCKING STOP!

Okay, okay, I’m cool now. I’ll put off my plans for a three state killing spree.

A local shit sandwich in my “neighborhood” too: Couple months ago, our glider club’s tow-plane crashed, killing the pilot. He was a long-time principal mover in our club. First fatal accident in our club’s 40+ year history.

(Preliminary FAA report, for anyone who’s interested in that sort of stuff.)

The big upside to this year, of course, is it will end the trend of every year being declared ‘the worst year ever’ for at least a decade. There’s no way 2021 is going to beat 2020.

I could probably use a good 3 state killing spree right now. How about I drive and you buy the bullets?

Yeah, I go to bed pissed off and wake up pissed off.

A couple of days ago, I was walking the dogs and one of them pooped on someone’s yard. Normally, I would have stopped the pooping in the wrong place, or I would have instantly cleaned it up. As it happens, I thought dog shit right in front of their MAGA sign was okeydookie, and walked away without a care in the world.

Wanna make it a 14 state shooting spree?

Shhhh! Don’t give it any ideas!

If [evil name redacted] gets re-elected, we’re going to have a whole bunch of years, each worse than the one before. Think of that! Wait, no, don’t!

How bad has 2020 been?

It started with an entire continent burning down. And then it got so much worse we forgot about that.

Awesome way to put things into prospective…and help make me even more pissed off.

I won’t lie. I stole that joke from Julie Nolke.

I would never have known, but your refusal to steal credit from someone else has made me just a little less pissed off.

Thanks for the link. That video, and its sequel, are pretty darkly hilarious.

Please give that most excellent and intelligent dog a special treat today, on my behalf. :grinning:

If that happens, I predict MAJOR rioting across the country. A perfect way to end this fucking year.

Next time, pick up that excellent poop with your baggie and smear it ON the sign. It makes me happy just to picture that. :poop:

Is anyone keeping a list of all this shit? Honestly, Murder Hornets and Australian Fires slipped my mind completely. Didn’t the President darn near start a war with Iran? It is all running together.

Oh, yeah, Qasem Soleimani. But that was, like, a couple of centuries ago. All the way back on January 3.

Usually it’s at least September before I wish the year was over already.