F**k 2017!

I thought about posting this in mini-rants, but it doesn’t seem petty enough to include in there.

Mrs. Runestar and I are thoroughly sick of, and ready to be rid of, the year 2017. It’s been one body blow after another – and I’m not even talking about the madness of the political world.

[li]It actually starts at the very end of 2016, when I developed shingles over the left side of my neck and jaw – and I’m still dealing with the residual numbness and discomfort. [/li][li]Then in January, my “work spouse” got laid off. This is a woman who I’ve worked with off and on for 20+ years. [/li][li]In February my mother was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, and had to be put on oxygen. [/li][li]In May, my mother-in-law passed away. [/li][li]Four days later my mother passed away. Got the call from my youngest brother during the calling at the funeral home for my mother-in-law. [/li][li]In July, my wife’s favorite cat, her “cuddle-buddy” who would always snuggle up next to her on the couch, had to be put to sleep because of cancer.[/li][li]In October my father passed away. [/li][/ul]

And now we hear a close friend’s father only has a couple of days left to him, plus our little calico cat (who admittedly is 17 1/2 years old) seems to be experiencing enough difficulties that I fear she doesn’t have much time left with us.

So fuck 2017. I’d say that 2018 has got to be better, but I don’t want the universe to take it as a challenge.

Give trump a chance, how could things get any worse?

Anyway, hope you have a better 2018.

I agree, fuck 2017.

This year I’ve lost:

My aunt on my fathers side.
My mother.
My (second?) niece (the daughter of the Aunt who had just passed away)
My aunt on my mothers side.

My wife and I were just told that we will have to vacate the house we are renting. The owner wants to live there. We have to be out by April.

We thought about buying, but we have little to no money for a down payment. We are first time buyers, I have been at my job for over 10 years, I have someone who could co-sign…

Just talked to a loan guy. Since both of us are only a year and a half from our bankruptcy discharge…he said it is not gonna happen. He used those words. ‘It’s not gonna happen’. Co-signer won’t work. We cannot be on the loan until we are 4 years past the discharge. Even with the 4 years, you can’t have so much as a late phone bill to qualify.


Had a similar year. April in particular sucked.

In early April my wife’s best friends’ mother passed away from breast cancer. She was like a second mother to her.
Four days later, we lost our cat Reuben to cancer, who my wife had had for basically her entire adult life.
Two weeks later, my wife’s father passed away from a brain tumor.

So fuck 2017, and fuck cancer.

Had a similar year:

My mom almost died (CMV infection from her brand new liver) - February
My son ran into a wall with his eyes closed and needed stitches down his forehead - March
My mom almost died and hallucinated her ass off (UTIs are fucking terrifying in older people, especially when you don’t live in the same city and have to send the police over in the middle of the night for a wellness check), then while she was hallucinating fell and broke her shoulder - April through May
My daughter broke her ankle - April
Daughter broke her finger - May
Mom had shoulder surgery to replace her broken shoulder - July
Daughter broke her other finger - September
Daughter broke her arm in two places - October
Friend diagnosed with terminal cancer - November
Really sweet neighbor died - last week

Can we just fucking stop now?

On the bright side, my cousin just had a baby, and she is fucking adorable as all get out.

  • Lost my last surviving uncle
  • Lost a brother
  • My mom swirled down the Alzheimer’s drain quickly this year
  • Turned 50 and was in hospital getting first stitches in my life on that morning
  • Landlord decided to take the place I was renting for the last 12 years back (no problem getting a new place…still sucked having to move)
  • Trump

Sadly though I do not consider this my worst year.

Some years I wonder, “…why even bother getting out of bed?”

Ditto. Wife died Nov. 18, 2016.

Dec. Diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes. Managed at first to control it with diet.

Feb. 5. Laid off; virtually unemployed since.

May-ish. Up until here I was doing ok; then chronic fatigue set in. Couldn’t do yard work anymore, couldn’t go for walks any more, diet went out the window. Knees went to hell.

Sept. Unemployment insurance exhausted, savings exhausted. Began cashing out 401K.

Oct. trip to urgent care clinic reveals blood sugar in the 400 range. Put on pills and insulin.

Dec. got a part-time job driving cars between car rental locations. Discovered cannot see well enough to drive safely at night anymore. Resigned since job required morning and evening hours, which at this time of year is in the dark.

I’ll wholeheartedly support this pitting. Fuck 2017. I didn’t think it would be possible to top 2016 on the sheer terribility scale, but damn if 2017 wasn’t the little shitty year that could.

Get a different loan guy. FHA loans are available two years after discharge. If you’re near a rural area, you can get a 0% down loan.

Wishing all of you who have had a craptacular 2017 a much healthier, happier and prosperous 2018.


I feel for you guys. 2017 IS a crap year for a lot of us. 3 of my best friends died. A lot of little things went wrong like stuff breaking down including my car, odd weather changes, health insurance problems for my injections and pain pills so I had more pains to put up with. Also my Lone Star benefits got cut in half.

All in all, it was a really shitty year for me. I finally got approval for my neck injections this coming Thursday. Hopefully I’ll get one lined up for my lower back in the near future.

I was going to start a thread like this if Runestar hadn’t.

It started with Trump being elected. It wasn’t just that he was elected, but that so many of my friends and coworkers voted for him. I was forced to face the fact that yes, they are stupid. There really is no other word for it.

I think many of us thought that either he would “pivot” or the rest of the government would treat him like the child he is. Except for isolated instances, like the RESIST resignation letter, people treat him like an actual president. He has doubled down on his attempts to enrich himself and his family at the cost of the country. Every day he does something stupid. It amazes me.

And then my family members started dying. 2 uncles in November and my SIL last week. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given 6 months. She made it 6 months. When she was first given her diagnosis, my brother asked me “What does 6 months mean?”. I almost cried. She was 55 years old, healthy, didn’t drink or smoke.
She was a scientist, a microbiologist doing research and teaching, and the best thing that ever happened to my brother, a nice smart person.

Fuck 2017.

My dad died from pancreatic cancer back in 65. He was 42 and I was 15 at the time.

I’ll join in. I essentially lost half the year to cancer.

And my sky was overcast during the eclipse and I was too weak to travel.


I’d forgotten that; was a mere disappointment compared to the rest of the year.

For the last several years I have gone into New Years’ Eve thinking “Thank God this year is over; the next one cannot possibly be worse!”

The fates have responded with a resounding “Challenge Accepted!!”


So while I’d love to trash 2017, I think this year I’ll keep my own counsel. :eek:

Yeah, here’s the prognosis for 2018.

Let’s see:

MIL was in hospital/rehab for months, recovering from an infection that she got from having minor surgery. Just when it looked like she was finally getting back to normal, the infection roared back, and two weeks later she was dead.

MIL’s mother is in late-stage Alzheimer’s, barely able to talk. Quite frankly, her passing will be a blessing.

Not as extensive a list as some, but still a pretty shitty year, even without considering the Orange Abomination.