I started to post this one a few days ago, but decided- nah, these “kids” are civilians. They aren’t responsible for their parents’ actions. It would be classless to pit them.
But then I had an epiphany (I think that’s what it’s called- it’s when you say “Fuck it, I’ll post this anyway”).
Dubya and his brother, Jeb(ya), are both “champions” and proponents of family values. Dubya saw fit to propose amending the Constitution to prevent gay marriage to “protect the family”. Jeb(ya) prattled on about family values at every given opportunity during the Schiavo incident and of course is a parrot of his brother’s views on the matter. Both brothers then must be super proud of their young 'uns.
The Brothers Bush have, between them, five children. It’s only natural that out of five kids, one might have a wild side, and it’s not even unheard of that one might be arrested for some little incident or other. But isn’t it just a little odd that with the recent arrest of Jeb(ya)'s youngest, ALL FUCKING FIVE OF THE YOUNGER BUSH SPAWN NOW HAVE CRIMINAL RECORDS!
In order of birth:
George Prescott Bush (b. 1976)- the family’s golden “little brown” boy, undeniably sexy. He broke into a former girlfriend’s house, vandalized her lawn and assaulted her father. He wasn’t arrested because solely the girl and her father didn’t press charges (the fact he was a president’s grandson from with a rich and powerful family probably having a little bit to do with it), but the event was witnessed and a police report made, so he counts.
Noelle Bush- oh boy- shoplifting, possession of crack cocaine, prescription fraud (she was only arrested on the last one- she got off on the crack charge due to a legal issue).
Barbara Bush II (b. 1981)- minor in possession of alcohol (nothing that serious, I’ll admit, but still illegal, and certainly we’d have heard about how it was the end of society if Chelsea Clinton had done it)
Jenna Bush (b. 1981)- minor in possession of alcohol, use of a fake I.D.
J.E. Bush, Jr. (b.1983)- public intoxication, resisting arrest, and previously having sex in a parking lot.
Okay, none of these things are public enemy lists (ironically I consider Prescott’s to be the most serious since it was the most threatening to another person, yet no charges were made), but… their fathers are Family Values champions, and again- EVERY ONE OF THEIR KIDS HAD A POLICE RUN-IN BEFORE THEY WERE TWENTY-ONE! That’s pretty damned rare.
The Clintons have ONE CHILD, he’s a known adulterer, and the kid’s an honor student.
How can the Bush’s hold their heads up and dare to speak their “I believe the children are our future” crapola? And how do the people who elected them because of their Family Value stances justify this fact? All of these arrests have been public. God knows the talking heads love to point out what scum so many of the Kennedys are (and they are), but when it’s
Ah well, no real point here other than I hate Bushes.