Them's is fighting words

I hate geoshities even more than AOL. I only just stopped short of wishing leprosy upon anyone connected to the site.

The Brotherhood of Nogg


You’re not going to get much of an argument. I posted my wedding pix on Geocities, but no one can see them, because unless I pay for a “premium” site, there’s no bandwidth.

Hmmph. :mad:


You get what you pay for.

I pay $11.95 a month for my Geocities site, and I’m very happy with it.

Try it, like it.

Thats a lot of money for webhosting, what do you get for that?

Unless I get a personal web building monkey, I’m not paying.


Internet related companies sure seem to excell at pissing people off. To bad you can’t picket their homepage. A little flash pop-up of Mr. Nogg with a sign marching back and forth across the page. I think it needs to be done. Can you hack them?
“Them’s is” Chuckle

Ouch. For $10/month I get features that GeoCities couldn’t even begin to fathom providing for their suck, er, customers. Why pay a company like that for so little when you can pay a company that actually cares for their customers much less for so very much more?


I pay $5/month and get more space, transfer, email accoutns etc. than I could ever use. Plus, the customer service at the place I use is great.

Felllow Doper techchick recommended to me almost a year ago, and I am most satisfied. They are $99 a year ($8.25 a month) and have (as far as I am concerned) a great service. (COLD FUSION! YES!!)

I also like $10 a month—a nice stable service. Have had an account with them for years, no complaints yet.

Both these services require you buy a domain name, which you can get for about $10 or thereabouts, ( is damned cheap, and so far, I like them fine). I recommend domain names—they are so much easier to remember.

As others have pointed out, no need to fork out money to Geocities when you can get such a better deal elsewhere.

Felllow Doper techchick recommended to me almost a year ago, and I am most satisfied. They are $99 a year ($8.25 a month) and have (as far as I am concerned) a great service. (COLD FUSION! YES!!)

I also like $10 a month—a nice stable service. Have had an account with them for years, no complaints yet.

Both these services require you buy a domain name, which you can get for about $10 or thereabouts, ( is damned cheap, and so far, I like them fine). I recommend domain names—they are so much easier to remember.

As others have pointed out, no need to fork out money to Geocities when you can get such a better deal elsewhere.

I’ve also (just this evening, actually) heard food things about Phenominet. $30/year for domain registration and hosting, and no space limit for personal sites. I’ll probably switch to that, once my year with the other place is over. seems to be a good bet for us cheap skates.


I asked around here about a year ago and someone recommended Readyhosting, so that’s what we got. Although our server can be rather slow during the daytime, it’s pretty stable and the 500MB of space, plus unlimited bandwidth is excellent. And we now have our own private domain name, which is kinda cool.

I swear, someday using that as a response to a complaint and thinking it’s in any way witty, original, or anything other than smarmy and annoying, will be punishable by flogging.