There's no fucking Vegemite.

It is legal in Australia to fuck vegemite?

That explains its nasty taste.

Only if you spread it on a sheep first. :smiley:

You should consider yourself lucky. Vegemite is the most vile and horrible concoction of “food” that has ever been created.

Never had any one of them. But you’ve inspired me (vegemite fucking and nailing jello to a tree notwithstanding…) to give it a shot.

Which should I try first and what should I expect? I don’t eat a lot of salt or sugar to begin with. I lost about thirty or so pounds over the last few months and though I watch what I eat pretty carefully, I’m up for trying new things in moderation.

I’ll post my - er - experiences when I’ve tried them. If I decide to fuck the vegemite you’ll thank me to leave those details out, I’m sure. :smiley:

Which one should I try first? Any brand I should look for? There’s a few places around here (I live in a large metro area) I’m certain I could get at least a couple of these.

::readies to go to the store::

Such are the magical powers of substances of Mite? I might just have to try this stuff that I hear tastes like a combination of roadkill and shoe polish.

  1. Marmite.

  2. An explosion of taste so powerful that it will knock your socks off, and possibly down the street.

Just remember to spread it extremely thinly, and I really can’t stress that enough, extremely thinly, on hot buttered toast.

First Global Warming then the world economic crisis,flooding in Bangla Desh and now this,the last and worst of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

I never thought when I was a nipper that one day I would grow up to see literaly hell on Earth.
May god help us all.

Take those socks, put them back on and wear them for 4 days in your old tennis shoes. Then remove shoes wrap the socks in dirty underwear and go for a walk along a recently paved street making sure to traipse through some dog urine. Then soak those socks in stale beer and wring them out into a cat litter box. Take the resulting mixture and spread on toast. That is what to expect from vegemite. I’ve never tried Marmite so I can’t comment as far as that goes.

Thanks, Szlater! Marmite, got it. I’ll pick some up and give it a try. I’ll post about it after I retrieve my socks from the neighbor’s roof and come stumbling back up the street. :smiley:

On the rare occasion I do eat butter, I use the fake margarine low-cal, no-fat stuff. Will that make a difference or does it need to be real butter?

I have a feeling I should be nervous about eating this stuff. I don’t know what’s in it. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Here goes!

Love it. Raised on it! Eat it straight from the jar. With a teaspoon! And have discovered that a good heaped teaspoon after a heavy night on the juice will lessen any horrible hangover (something to do with the vitamin B I suppose). It’s awesome and delicious and gives the eater of it super powers. Or the next day as you reach for the panadol, have yourself two thick slices of toast liberally spread with it, washed down with black tea. Hmmmmmmm. Vegemite …

Using margarine will downgrade the taste explosion somewhat.

When I was first on The Internet, some American friends had never tasted vegemite.

So, being very kind, I sent them some.

One deliberately dropped it so she wouldn’t have to eat it. Another kept it so long. It did go off. Yet another used to put it on her kids tongues if they swore.


Sir, I think you just declared war.

OK. To be fair it has been years and years since I tried it. Dellie says it will cure hangovers, so solely in the noble pursuit of Education I will get drunk and have some vegemite tonight. (hey, that rhymes!)

Hypothesis: This will not end well.

Results to be published tomorrow.

ETA: Actually, to do this right I’ll need a control. So I’ll have to get drunk w/o vegemite first, record how I feel, then do another study with vegemite and note the differences. Maybe I should wait for Friday as I picture this having a negative impact on my productivity at work.

You can have all the jars in my house, they smell nasty and taste worse.

Course, my husband would notice. Ugh.

Then I’d have to buy more.

Nevermind, I’ll continue nose-holding during breakfast. :smiley:


Hmm. I do have real butter.

However, Marmite on a cracker under a piece of cheddar cheese was delicious.

Use real butter. Margarine is not fit for human consumption. Ever since I arrived in the US I’ve been mystified by the lack of adding butter to bread here

I had the pleasure of living next door to a New Zealand couple for a couple of years back in the 1980s. They were very nice folks and we got along great, partied together and all that. They like Olivia Newton-John a little much for my taste, though. They introduced me to vegamite at a New Year’s party one night. They said it was Australian for peanut butter.

Nuh uh! I couldn’t drink enough Foster’s to wash the taste outta’ my mouth! You people are daft, I tell you, daft!

There is an Australian euphemism about drilling for vegemite, but I don’t think it refers to the same thing :wink:

We don’t have any either. On purpose. You can’t have my citizenship, and you will get some into my pantry over my cold dead body. Suck it.

Well, yanno, this isn’t true. Our very own **Mangetout **has proved otherwise