These Election Results...NOOOO!

AUGH! I’ve been disenfranchised, and what do I get?

Rick Perry-Governor of Texas (Republican)
John Cornyn-Senator from Texas (Republican)
Lamar Smith-Representative from Texas District 21 (Republican)

I haven’t caught up on the races from Lt Gov on down, as those sorts of things are only shown locally, but I’d wager that they’ll follow the same trend. (Republican.)

Why did this have to happen? I would have emphatically voted against every single one of these schmucks.

Now, the Republicans have control over, get this!
-The White House
-The Senate (DARN!)
-The House of Representatives
-The Supreme Court
-Both Seats of the Senate Delegation of Texas
-The Texas Governorship
-My District in the House

In fact, every last political office that represents me, that I know of, is filled by a Republican, save the City Council seat and the Mayor. (San Antonio law says that these guys cannot run for these seats under a political affiliation, so it’s not a bright spot. These guys are conservatives, save Ed Garza, the mayor. And he screwed up the PGA Village thing. Dork.)

I’m sick of having these schlubs represent me! ENOUGH OF THE REPUBLICANS!

Oh well. At least, when things go wrong in a few years, I will have no shortage of folks to blame! :wink:

I must sleep. All of this election stuff is making me craaaazy! :mad:

Anyone else mad about their election results?

Note: The above was not a blanket attack on Republicans, which are a fine political party…

It’s just that they’re everywhere!

DANCE, Pilgrim!


The damn dems swept the Illinois elections :mad:

Dick Durbin, Jesse White, Dan Hynes, Rod Blagojevich - the first democratic governor in 30 years, a majority in the state house and senate - it’s almost enough to sour the national victory.


Congratulations especially to Minnesotans.

Woot! Finally we can push through all the good stuff, and show them damn liberals how to run a country! :smiley:

Well, maybe you could move your residency to Washington, Soup. You wouldn’t have a voice but it would be a democratic non-representation.

Thank God we Virginians defeated that damn road tax.

You must be young. Prepare for a lifetime of broken promises and congressional pay raises.

Yeah, I’m irritated at the election results.

I’m now stuck with Ed ‘I hate guns and will raise your taxes’ Rendell as governor.

The San Fernando Valley’s seccession from the city of Los Angeles has failed. We must continue to be LA’s red-headed stepchild…CURSES!!!

I love this country more than anything else (except my wife and daughter), but I must confess, I’m bumfuddled as to why a nation of (I thought) intelligent, freedom loving people voted in favor of:

  • Restriced freedom of speech
  • Budget deficits
  • Recession
  • Stock market collapses
  • Corporate criminal behavior
  • Religion based legislation and judicial appointments
  • World War III

I’ll acept the results and support my government no matter who is in office (which puts me one step ahead of republicans during the Clinton years, BTW), but I’ll never understand what just happened. (although I’m sure FoxNews and the extra-chromosome crowd will blame Clinton/Gore)

The only good news, the democrats will sweep in 2004 after the republicans have two years of screwing the country even more.

I feel your pain. :frowning:

So which party are you talking about?

Hooray. Mitt Fudging Romney is my new governor. Since when is Massachusetts supposed to have a republican governor? Weird.

I see that Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris were both re-elected in the Great State of Florida. Wonder what the ballots looked like this time. Probably something like Twister board.

Confused elderly voter: What? Left foot on red for the Democrat? But I have arthritis! Oh, I’ll have to go with blue. It’s closer.

C’mon RickJay, we Canucks should stay out of this thread.
But even I know that it’s the Republicans who cut taxes but increase spending, and create deficits. That’s what right-wing parties do! :smiley:

“Good morning, passengers. This is George Bush and I’ll be your captain for this flight of The Republican Controlled Government Express. You can expect a war with Iraq in the coming months, with an American puppet-government in place by next summer, followed by increased terrorist activity and fine American boys and girls being flowin into Dover Air Force Base in body bags. I’ll also be appointing conservative judges to the federal bench who will show no judicial restraint and will, instead, take every opportunity to eviscerate environmental protection regulatory schemes, worker’s rights and benefits laws, and a woman’s right to determine what takes place in her own uterus. After that, we’ll extend a tax break to the richest Americans, so that my good friend “Kenny Boy” Lay and his ilk can continue to have three homes and $6,000 bed sheets. My fellow Republicans and I’ll then continue on a similar path until we fly the ship of state straight into the ground at 650 miles per hour. Of course, we will have bailed out long before and floated softly to Earth, but those are the breaks. So sit back and enjoy your flight. The stewardesses will be coming around shortly will those little foil packs that have three peanuts and we’ll be charging you $5.00 for a drink. Thank you for flying with the Republican Party.”

Evil has won. America is Dead.

If you voted GOP I hope you realize that this is not a personal victory. You have been suckered.
You have handed over all three branches of government to a petulant, autocratic, Christian fundamentalist child-king.
Enjoy the return to botched, back-alley abortions.

Enjoy the rape of the Alaskan wilderness by Bush family oil-cronies.

Enjoy the feds in your house, combing your computer files with a “magic lantern,” finding all the porn sites you’ve been to. (yeah, even THAT one. The one you went to just that once because you were “curious.” They can find that too.)
Enjoy your dirty little war. I hope it makes you feel good about yourself.

Enjoy the recession.

Enjoy having creationism taught in your schools.

Enjoy the plutocracy.



Not only that, Chief, but if his record as Mayor of Philadelphia is any indication of how he’ll perform as Governor, we can expect to see the salaries of state emergency workers drop, their probationary periods extended from two to six years, and their funding be cut.

We’re also in for it with schools, since Rendell’s reign over the Philly public schools left 60% of the students unable to pass standardized tests for reading, writing and math in their grade level.

Hopefully the PA legislature won’t let him mess with too much.

Thanks, Diogenes - so far, the liberal hissy fits have been delightful.


(Mensch stops Republican Happy dancing )

Plnnr, Diogenes, et al:

Yer funny :smiley:


(continues Republican Happy dancing)