These rants may come and go, but (mostly) civil complaints are forever!

Moderators, why don’t you enforce the ‘no accusations of trolling’ rule whatsoever? Occasionly it’s correctly affixed to certain people, but most times it’s used as characther assination for those who don’t particulalry like someone. I know I’ve been unfairly branded one. But regardless of correct use, my question still stands.

To all the people who like to ride me to fill their bland, boring lifes: Fuck off. I post some bad stuff, get piled on. I apologize, get piled on. I joke(and I don’t mean that in the joke thread sense :)), get piled on, I just post in general and get piled on. Seems regardless of what I do, you’ll have a hard on for me. Don’t try to deny it.

Keep posting in livejournals about when I’ll get banned, how much I’m the antichrist, or whatever hi-larious mix of swear words and adjectives you can pile togther. Keep dogging me, because while you think I’m getting annoyed or pissed off because of it, I’m really laughing because you spend so much time trying to get the goat of me. Chances are if I’ve blown up at you, I wasn’t very angry at all, I was doing so that you’d get your desired reaction.

I enjoyed putting together unusual rants. I’m not like that other places online or in real life. For the most part my ‘art’ does not reflect me as a person at all, no matter how much you fellows seem to think so(ie, saying I’m a goth or a playa or something). I do really not like sesame seeds and the place I come from talks sorta like that, and I took inspiration from that. I just enjoy using certain construncts to rant/write, even if I’m merely ok at it. I’m sorry that I apparently broke one of the ‘unspoken rules’ and I will not be doing any more, if I have since I promised that.

Which comes to my third point:

Lynn Bodoni, you mentioned in LJ that if a poster is writing in a way you do not like, they’re on thin ice, about to spiral out of control, about to break(one of your rules, that is). Why not make this an official rule? It’s unfair to me that I composed something that broke your rules, and thus were on thin ice, but was only made knowledagable of this when you closed my thread down. It would have been completely unneccasary!

And so the meltdown begins!

Oh, jeeez!

Here we go again!

Kurdt Kobain, what ever gave you the idea that the SDMB was some kind of online “art” gallery waiting for your debut?

Don’t like what people say here? Don’t like being dogged?

There’s a simple remedy.

Don’t be hating.:slight_smile:


That kind of thing is exactly what I meant. No matter what I do, some people will just dog me and forecast unfairly.

I’ve already apologized in the past. Wasn’t that enough for you guys to get over it?

gm, because I saw a lot of creative and interesting threads/people(sometimes in the pits, too), so I thought I would share. Message recieved, my style’s not appreciated. As I said, I wish people would get over it now.

Kurdt. Pile-ons are a fact of life here. Some people seem to get a kick out of it. Don’t take it personally.

My first reply was towards GMR, if that wasn’t clear.

Are the rest of you so oblivious that you have to keep feeding it?!

ever heard of ‘keeping a low profile’?

sometimes, after you’ve stepped on a bunch of people’s toes, it’s a good strategy. You might think about trying it. ( clue: if you’re trying to stop annoying people, starting a thread 10 minutes later asking why they’re still holding a grudge isn’t a good idea)

I was indicating they were the ones trolling(sorry, but it had to be said). They post solely to get my negative reaction. And I gave it to them, previosly.

Yes, well, if there’s anything deadlier than making accusations, it’s openly admitting to them.

Don’t be whining!:frowning:

Sorry, GM. I’ll try to keep from whining.

Clue #2 - and starting this thread isn’t giving them negative reaction???

Well, I tried to give you advice in the MPSIMS thread and you’ve chosen to ignore it. If you sincerely want to be a member in good standing, you can if you try. The only way for this to work is for you to get a feel for the place and try to conform just a little tiny bit. Trust me, the other way around ain’t gonna happen.

These threads never end well. A few people will honestly try to help, a big pack of the usual professional pile on artists will be in here in droves with their oh-so-clever one line drive-bys and, at the end, you’ll be a foot note in Fenris’s long running parody soap opera.

It’s still not too late though. You can be a fun part of this place if that’s what you really want to do.


Time for a “Come to Jesus” talk from someone with no dog in this fight:

  1. Posting “I’m so persecuted” threads such as this one will not convince anyone that they have failed to “get your goat.” Obviously, they have.

  2. Nothing you or anyone else posts on this message board in any way approximates “art.” The only things I can thing of off the top of my head that approach that level are the bon mots of EVE and the stories of RUE DE DAY, both of which are certainly artistic. There’s undoubtedly other examples as well, but here’s the thing: The people around here who are artistic in the medium provided – which is writing – would probably be the last people to claim they are producing “art.” They aren’t. It’s a freaking message board.

  3. Why on earth are you reading other people’s Live Journals, when they aren’t friends of yours? Are you a masochist? Is your time that cheap? If you don’t like the fact that people may say mean things about you in a journal forum . . . Don’t. Read. The. Journals. I mean, duh.

  4. People who post any of the following: (1) Boo hoo, people here are so mean to me; (2) Boo hoo, the moderators are so mean to me; (3) Boo hoo, the rules are so unfair; (4) Boo hoo, why can’t all these meanies leave me alone – these people are tiresome. They do not look like unfairly persecuted victims, they look like whiny babies.

  5. Not to mention, a persecution complex such as you are here presenting is the most unattractive form of egotism. Here’s a news flash: The vast majority of people here are not out to get you. They don’t give a rat’s ass about you, because they don’t know who the hell you are. Your presence here has not be either long enough or notable enough to make you the target of contempt you seem to assume you are. Though you’ve certainly made a fine start if that is your goal.

So here’s a piece of advice: Climb down off your cross, stop trying to produce “art,” and go out and post like a decent human being, about subjects that interest you, in the proper forums. Do you have a hobby? Go talk about that. What’s the last really good movie you’ve seen, or book you’ve read? Did something funny or touching or irritating happen to you lately? Go share that. You can be a notable and positive addition to the board if you want to be, but posting “artistic rants” is not the way to do it. “Artistic rants” are just so much bullshit, as well you know, and people around here do not tolerate much bullshit, as I believe you are discovering.

But the choice is yours: Change course and hang out with the rest of us, or continue to self-destruct. Just keep in mind that that you do not have to go down in flames here, and if you do, believe me: No one will respect you for it, and no one will miss you when you’ve gone.

Hint, hint. Don’t openly admit to breaking rules. Fuck off for good measure.

I wasn’t breaking any rules.

If you were reffering to the rule I mentioned in the OP, I was not specifically accusing someone of trolling. Not a breaking of that rule.

Or you insinuating that I was admitting to trolling? Good job, but sorry kid, you’ve got serious mental deficiencies of you think that’s what the post said.

And to further explain, for the idiots:

People were trolling me. I responded as they expected to me, negatively.

Thus, I was feeding them. AAs to why I did it, it gave me a slight feeling of vindication, as they would troll me anyways, and in their small minds they would think it a victory if I didn’t reply.

This notion that the internet isn’t real life really annoys me. Does the internet not exist, now?

To me, it’s not really ‘real’ life in the sense it’s not interaction with the physical real world. It’s a construnct created by our computers in which we can communcate things. Oftimetimes our personas, personalities and a whole bunch of things drastically change between the real world and the internet.

Since the equipment used for the internet exists in real life, they do exist togther in the sense we can feel and interact with the hardware. But can I interact with this thread like something I could in real life? No.