Moderators, why don’t you enforce the ‘no accusations of trolling’ rule whatsoever? Occasionly it’s correctly affixed to certain people, but most times it’s used as characther assination for those who don’t particulalry like someone. I know I’ve been unfairly branded one. But regardless of correct use, my question still stands.
To all the people who like to ride me to fill their bland, boring lifes: Fuck off. I post some bad stuff, get piled on. I apologize, get piled on. I joke(and I don’t mean that in the joke thread sense :)), get piled on, I just post in general and get piled on. Seems regardless of what I do, you’ll have a hard on for me. Don’t try to deny it.
Keep posting in livejournals about when I’ll get banned, how much I’m the antichrist, or whatever hi-larious mix of swear words and adjectives you can pile togther. Keep dogging me, because while you think I’m getting annoyed or pissed off because of it, I’m really laughing because you spend so much time trying to get the goat of me. Chances are if I’ve blown up at you, I wasn’t very angry at all, I was doing so that you’d get your desired reaction.
I enjoyed putting together unusual rants. I’m not like that other places online or in real life. For the most part my ‘art’ does not reflect me as a person at all, no matter how much you fellows seem to think so(ie, saying I’m a goth or a playa or something). I do really not like sesame seeds and the place I come from talks sorta like that, and I took inspiration from that. I just enjoy using certain construncts to rant/write, even if I’m merely ok at it. I’m sorry that I apparently broke one of the ‘unspoken rules’ and I will not be doing any more, if I have since I promised that.
Which comes to my third point:
Lynn Bodoni, you mentioned in LJ that if a poster is writing in a way you do not like, they’re on thin ice, about to spiral out of control, about to break(one of your rules, that is). Why not make this an official rule? It’s unfair to me that I composed something that broke your rules, and thus were on thin ice, but was only made knowledagable of this when you closed my thread down. It would have been completely unneccasary!