Jesus fucking Christ, these people just don’t fucking listen. We told the art students repeatedly that they cannot be in their classroom unattended yet they continue to sneak in there. My supervisor came by the other day and reiterated this. Hell, I see the sense in this - there’s some laws regarding this I’m sure. If not, then at least local school policy. I can see where this might be a fire hazard has a small room full of students without the supervision of an instructor holds the potential for some risk. The sad thing about this shit is that these are college students.
Heck, we even tried being nice to these people. Their instructor is usually late by 10 or 15 minutes. We let them in a couple times when their class was suppose to begin but the stern warning from upstairs soon came. A couple minutes ago, about 5 of the students walked into the classroom. I saw them go in and walked over to tell them exactly what they had been told the past two weeks. About 10 minutes later, a more rebellious student leads the others into the room. Damn ass-licking cunt-biting shriveled scrotum ear fuckers.
This is completely and utterly unrelated to whether or not I approve of students blatantly disregarding the rules. But I must say, this rule seems IDIOTIC to me. Art students (at least the ones I know of, and I know a few–my Dad’s an art professor) spend all kinds of time alone in their studio space. They don’t need a supervisor. They’re adults. It’s bizarre to me and if I were in their shoes I’d find it insulting that I wasn’t allowed in a room. I had a computer lab guy pull that attitude with me when my grad students wanted into our lab classroom early. These were GRAD STUDENTS fer chrissakes, most of them older than me. But I had to be there to “supervise” them? I about tore his nuts off, but that’s another story.
I wonder if the reason they keep breaking the rule is that they think it’s asinine, expecially when they are regularly trusted (or should be) to be around paint thinner, kilns, welding equipment, and the other semi-dangerous crap art students live in the thick of. I’m not saying it makes it okay to blow the rule off, but I’d suspect non-compliance in this case is a sign that the rule don’t fit.
Also, what’s the deal with the instructor being late? He’s making the situation worse by forcing the students to cool their heels waiting for him to show up. Around here, some profs choose to use “Michigan time” which means everything starts ten minutes later than stated in the schedule. If he wants to do that, fine. But he needs to tell the students to come later. If it’s rather of case of him not getting his act together, someone should say something to him about the policy of not allowing students to be unsupervised.
If they are even remotely dedicated to the topic at hand they want to get to work and are trained well enough to do so.
Prof late - that comes out of their work time and, when you get down to it, grade. They want to do well, this takes effort and time with the materials.
The art class I took required a lot of out of class studio time. Luckily the place I took my class didn’t have such a rule and I would go late nights on Saturday and Sunday, set up in the empty rooms with my CD player and work away.
They are listening. They are choosing to disobey. These aren’t children, if they can’t see the sense in it, you’ll be hard pressed to get them to follow an asinine rule. (IMHO, its stupid. The equipment is there, they aren’t going to hurt it, the prof is a dipshit, if they get anything out of this, they should get a decent amount of hands on time)
Our stupid security guards at community used to refuse to open the upstairs computer lab when all the downstairs ones were full-insisting that there was one open, no matter how much we complained.
They wouldn’t allow trash cans in the classroom, because no food or drink was allowed beyond a certain point and they thought this would discourage it.
I cannot see the point in having students STANDING outside of a classroom, wasting precious classtime while the fucking instructor takes his good old time. I want to be able to sit and relax.
10-15 minutes? What the fuck? Of course, most of my professors are late, but only by FIVE minutes at the utmost.
Oh my GOD! Students trying to get access to their classrooms to learn and stuff. This must be some form of mass disobedience. Call the security guards!
If it’s a safety hazard, then the solution is not to bar the students from the class simply because of inconsiderate or incompetent instructor. The solution is to require the instructor to do his job (and show up on time) or to seek employment elsewhere.
It sounds like your particular school has lost sight of the original mission - education. This institution would be well-advised to think of (and treat) their students as clients, rather than children or annoyances.
Or they may soon be a school without any students.
I can see the students perspective on this. At the college level, their tuition is paying for the use of the classroom. Their tuition is paying for the professor. Their tuition is paying for the supplies. Their tuition is paying for the education that they are supposed to recieve.
They are paying for the use of the room AND the instructor that comes with it.
When I went to college, the only things that were locked up were rooms containing valuables that could be stolen. And those of us that needed access were given keys to the building. I still have my keys even though I graduated
@#%$%&^% years ago. (And they still open the same doors.)
The chairman of the department I currently teach in says it quite well to the instructors. “We are here to SERVE the students, not the other way around.”
It is asinine to make ADULTS stand around in the hallway while they wait for their instructor when they could be getting ready for their lessons. Therefore, not wasting any time once the instructor arrives. If the room is sooooo dangerous or valuable that they can’t be in there, it should be locked at all times and the instructor should be the one unlocking it.
This is one of the results of living in a litigious society. I got ten bucks say they afraid of getting sued if something happens in the room with no supervisor there.
Course, I don’t know what they’ll do if something happens in the hall…