Things adults do

In sequence with “Things toddlers do” and “Things teenagers do” I bring you this. Go ahead and add “Things old geezers do” if you’d like…

So I’m pulling out of a parking lot and come to an intersection at a red light. It’s nighttime. I notice a car coming on my right without his lights on. He was turning right. I flashed my high beams as he slowed before turning. He didn’t catch on.

Just as this guy turns right another car is approaching on my left, to make a left turn. This guy ALSO does not have his lights on. Car on my left was a convertible with his top down. He also spots the guy that was turning right. Convertible guy swiftly pulls up beside the other car , leans over, and starts yelling at the other car. I’m guessing it was something along the lines of “Hey man, your lights are off!”…

Uncontrollable laughter from me and my buddy. That was priceless.

I sometimes make sure the sex I’m about to engage in is consentual.

I often pay bills.

I go to work even though I’d rather be doing something else.

Forget everything they were taught by their driving instructor.

search for your glasses/sunglasses for 5 minutes before realizing you’re wearing them…

Pretend we’re actually adults.

Sometimes? I make women read a formal statement

“I, (your name here), have chosen to be unconventional and have sexual intercourse with Doc Cathode. I understand that I am not obligated to do so by any gifts received or any previous promises. I further understand that I may revoke my consent at any time. In order to clarify things for Doc, I will re-affirm my consent by shouting ‘Yes!’ and similar encouragements. I state all this of my own, unimpaired, free will without coercion of any kind”

Wonder if we’re adults yet.

Pay bills, worry about a budget, do chores on the weekends–and, on the less boring side, get the really shiny toys.

Walk in to a room and forget why I went in there in the first place. Or should this be in a “Things over 40s do” thread?

And when I’m not busy doing that, I’m pretending I’m still a kid. It’s confusing sometimes, but it’s fun.

If we are - wonder when it happened.

Preferably ones we don’t need.

I’m 29 and I’ve been doing this for ten years.

I did it only yesterday. Walked into the kitchen, stood in the middle, and asked myself (out loud) “Why have I come in here?”

Go to bed when tired.

Eat vegetables.

Clean up, even after others, and sometimes without being asked.

Dress appropriately for the weather.

Want to be, or look, younger than they are.

Even more adult-like is to be happy with the age you are.

A toy we need would be an oxymoron, right?

Think about calling in sick to work because I stayed up too late the night before.

Go in anyway because of this strange sense of responsibility. WTF?

Realise that admitting to mistakes does not signify weakness but the propensity to learn from them.

And admitting that you don’t know something.

There are ‘adults’ I’ve known who were pathologically incapable of a) admitting mistakes and b) saying the words “I don’t know”.

Worry about the things toddlers do and the things teenagers do.

Put just about everyone else’s needs before their own.

I chose to watch the news over Friends-shock horror!!