I have a lot of free time in my current job, and things pop into my head while I’m sitting there twiddling my thumbs that I don’t really expect there to be a definate answer to, but nag at me none the less. Feel free to add your own questions or answers as you see fit.
The government tells us that they have to monitor our cellphone conversations and internet activity because they’re trying to track down terrorists. I want to know how a bunch of guys living in caves can have cellphone serivce and internet access when I can’t get my cellphone to work half the time and my internet service fluxuates between really high speed and slower than dialup all the time. What do those guys know that I don’t?
If we can’t fix New Orleans or the WTC hole in New York City, how the hell are we supposed to fix Iraq?
Why is it called “Cut and run” when people talk about getting us out of Iraq, but when Nixon talked about getting us out of Vietnam is was “Peace with honor”?
If 9/11 and hurricane Katrina were God’s punishment for gays, drugs, drinking, and gambling, then why hasn’t anything happened to San Francisco or Nevada?
President Bush claims that we’ve stopped oodles of terrorist attacks (he just can’t tell us about any of it), but if our intelligence is so good, then why haven’t we been able to find Osama?
If Clinton bombed Yugoslavia to distract people from “Monicagate,” then what is Bush trying to distract us from by going to war with Iraq?
If Iraq doesn’t have nukes or other WMDs, but North Korea does, does that mean we invaded the wrong country? (If not, why not?)
If torture works so well at getting people to cough up information, why hasn’t anyone coughed up Osama’s location? Afterall, we’ve caught several of his “number two” people, so shouldn’t they at leas have an idea of where he’s at?
If non-union Japanese cars built in the US are superior to cars built in America by unionized workers, what do we need unions for?
If the liberal media is so powerful, then why do Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White House?
Why is not okay to show Janet Jackson’s boob on TV, but it’s perfectly okay to show football players in tight pants patting each other on the ass?
If our ubersecret intelligence forces are so good at catching terrorists, then why is there so much security at airports?
If computers are so good at solving problems, why do so many of our problems seem to involve them?
If my phone call is so important to the company I’m calling, why can’t they be bothered to hire more people to answer the phones, so I’m not stuck in phone system hell?
If the government was wrong about WMDs in Iraq, how can I trust them when they say drugs are bad for me, or that I owe them money on my taxes?
When people in India call tech support, do they have to speak to an American who doesn’t know Hindi?