Things people in the US are absolutely sure of but are completely unproven.

That we actually elect the president.

That American cheese is cheese! :eek:

That George W. Bush was elected president.

Well, he’s back and he’s bad, as you young people say these days.

I don’t know how the hell that happened, but I don’t live on these Boards, so I didn’t know what was going on. My examples were:
This is the best country in the world. Our way is the best way.

Anyone can succeed if he works hard.

If you are not a Christian, or maybe a Jew, you have no moral compass.

There is no official ideology here.

Creationism seems reasonable.

The US fights wars to build democracy and human rights around the world.

There is no weather beyond the Canadian and Mexican borders. Otherwise, why do the weather maps stop there.

Got any favorites?

Adopting unconventional guerilla warfare tactics enabled the colonies to win their independence from England’s soldiers (who marched in neat rows like idiots, making them easy targets).

Dogs are good. Cats are evil. (that one’s DEFINITELY true)

In God we trust.

That’s bologna, Osiris, bologna
Sheez. Gosh-darn Commie…

What is the blanket, proven, official ideology here?

Here’s the major dose of cynicism that you might be looking for:

We believe that economic growth can continue forever. Even if we already consume a third of the world’s resources and that growth is largely dependent on all of us drowning in debt to buy useless crap.

We believe that major economic depressions and recessions are strange, problematic crisises that can be corrected with some financial tinkering. Of course, history tells us that they are an inevitable and almost necessary part of capitalism.

We believe that the high-tech American way of life will (and must) continue indefinitely - the cliched flying cars, space planes and the like. You can often find a techno-cultist giving his latest theory on TV on how mankind can continue even after we have completely paved the earth and consumed all its resources. Should we live underground? How about gigantic bubbles under the sea? Maybe we’ll mine huge asteroids and turn them into huge spaceship-colonies and shoot our “civilization” into space (no, I’m not making these up - seen them all on the Discovery Channel at some point). Almost like we can never even consider the fact that we might at some point volunteer to turn back to a simpler way of life before the earth is turned into a burnt-out cinder.

We believe that American society is the zenith of civilization and that all societies, even if not necessarily capable of “catching up” to us (we seem to think the countries of Africa might not have the capacity), are trying their hardest to do so.

And the capper. We Americans believe that the USA somehow exists outside history and that we will continue to dominate the world’s affairs forever. While traveling in Africa, many people would ask me, “Do you think America will rule forever?” It was an especially loaded question in places like Ethiopia and Egypt where mighty ancient kingdoms once grew, ruled, and then inevitably declined. I usually surprised them by laughing and saying “of course not. History shows that all great empires truly believe that they will rule forever. They all take whatever necessary and ruthless steps to ensure that fact. They are all eventually blindsided by the factors that lead to their downfall.” (Actually, I simplified that explaination.) I don’t think they heard that answer very often from Americans.

You can probably guess my politics. :wink:

I’m innocent I swear! It’s all a frame up, Le Pen made me do it.

D’oh! Can I claim youth as the excuse for my ignorance here? I don’t even remember the commercial, just read it somewhere once and was tickled by it. Now, come to find out, it was all a LIE! Nooooooooo! Imposters have been tickling me. I feel so violated.

And, while we’re on the subject of what Americans believe, how about:

screw it, someone else will do it

why bother, I’ll be dead before it matters

my little angel would never do that!


This is the funniest fuckin’ thing I have read this week!

I’d walk a mile for a Camel. :wink:

Swearing on the radio!!! That’s the end of the world!!! I don’t care if there are people starving, PEOPLE MIGHT SWEAR IN A SONG!!!

  1. Pushing the button repeatedly will make the elevator come faster.

  2. If it’s 85 degrees in the room, setting the thermostat at 60 will cool the room faster than setting it at 70.

  3. 80% of people believe they are better-than-average drivers.

  4. A flashbulb can illuminate an object 500 feet away in a giant stadium.

  5. The fastest line at the supermarket is NEXT TO the one you are standing in.

  6. Improv comedy has some redeeming value.

Shouldn’t that be Der Yankee Dogmatism?

p.s. At least in the U.S., “Aluminum” is a 4-syllable word.:wink:

The official ideology is that there is no official ideology. The propaganda is that there is no propaganda, only information.

The way I interpreted the OP made me think immediately of the vast conspiracy behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Absolutely unproven. But in my entire life only one person has ever told me “I believe Oswald acted alone.” Those were her exact words, and I remember being shocked to hear them actually uttered. For the record, I don’t know what happened in Dallas that day, but it’s taken for granted in America that the mafia, the CIA, Castro, the KGB, and several other parties too numerous to mention had a hand in the President’s murder, even though it has never been conclusively established.

American gridiron is the only real “football”.

The metric system is just silly.

Charmin is not to be squeezed.

You can’t eat just one Lay’s potatoE chip.

Dukes of Hazzard is entertaining.

Lucky Strike Green Has Gone To War!! I don’t know if people believed this but it sure wasn’t proved.

For a modest fee (only pennies a day), I’ll tell what the hell that was all about.

The military would never, ever, think of lying to the American public about such things as combat losses or civilian casualties :rolleyes:

Show me someone who can :slight_smile:

I believe Oswald acted alone.

Upon consultation with my layer Mr. Cochran I am retracting my confession and say “I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner so everyone would be in love with me.” And add that’s it’s good enough for me

Intel isn’t really inside.

Its just kinda hangin’ off the corner.