Things that can't posibly be: bad eye sight, Celebrities Edition

So, this morning, as i was driving my son to school, I looked to the right at some people waiting for a bus & who did I {Can’t Possibly Be}
see waiting with a half-dozen people waiting for the NYC bus?

James McAvoy, famous actor… Professor X… standing next to the others, playing with his beard.

Now my rational brain KNOWS it Cannot ne him;

  1. His hair and beard were VERY light brown… too dark to be blonde, but by maybe half of one shade.

  2. He does not live near here, has no reason to EVER be here, and quite honestly he’d HATE NJT busses worse than Bowie Knife Acupuncture.

My kid was late for school, stress, REALLY good coffee = Nope, Its Not Him. Knowing it was nothing but an illusion, I reacted badly and ignored him. Its raining today, btw.

Q: If it had been you… and maybe a different celebrity, would you have stopped and offered a ride?

(reference to some PYT from “older gentlemen” in 5…4…3…2…1… cue theme music )

Keanu Reeves apparently rides the subway in New York regularly.

No. Knowing it was nothing but an illusion, you reacted correctly and ignored him.

This has actually happened to me several times – unexpectedly encountering REAL celebrities in public places – including Barbara Streisand, President Clinton and Cybil Shepard. I saw them wandering the grounds and collections of the Smithsonian when I worked there.

I always ignored them. I figured they got enough attention from others that they didn’t need mine too. And the SS might not have taken kindly to me running up to the President jogging on the Mall.

This is where face blindness is a blessing.

Thank you.

REAL celebrities are never Anywhere Near me or my small section of my state. There is nothing here for them. Ever.
We are boring, dull, small-town & happy… and we wish them well in their Mansions and on their Yachts… :smiley:

Perhaps some day you can own a McMansion and a McYacht.

I like what I have. I’m not greedy. I’ll leave gaudy & tacky to others.


PS- on the really odd chance it really is someone famous? Knock on the door.
Happy to feed you. Home-cooked has to beat hotel…