Things that Make you Shudder (in a good or bad way)

Bad things:

Watched a film of a tsunami wave hitting a beach. Shuddered for about 10 minutes, had goosebumps.

The squeaking of styrofoam. If I was in Room 101, that’s all they’d have to do to make me give up and love Big Brother.

Coyotes howling. It’s a visceral fear reaction.

The sound of car brakes squealing just before that loud CRASH.

Oh, yeah. That is just plain nasty!

The idea of anyone eating with a wooden ice cream paddle freaks me out. I can’t believe other people are so affected by it.

If someone else is eating ice cream like this, I will stop what I am doing to get them a real spoon.

Barely seen trees and human artifacts beneath murky water = bad

Squeaky bus breaks = bad

Water evaporating off me after swimming in the summer = good

Most anything by Rachmaninoff, especially the 4th piano concerto & the Variation on a Theme by Paganini = good

Shostakovich’s 5th by Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Solti = good

Watched “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?” last night and there’s a scene with a Klan ritual. The Cohen brothers are notorious (famous) for their realistic depictions of things. I’ve seen Klan rituals in movies before but this one made me shudder, and my SO flinch. Neither of us are white, BTW. Very bad.

Good: Ok, this is going to sound weird, but…I wear my contacts for 18 hours a day most days. I barely touch my eyes all day. Taking them out and rubbing my eyes at night is almost orgasmic. :o

The sound of someone grinding their teeth (bad). My kids both did this a lot when their bottom and top teeth came in, and it just drove me nuts.

Kind of like Annamika’s eye-gasm :smiley: : nothing quite as good as pulling a pony-tail holder out of my hair ant night and giving myself a good hard scalp rub. Aaaaahhhhhh.

Yes yes YESSSS!!!

And having your hair washed by someone else. mmmmmmmm… good…

Stepping onto cool green grass in bare feet on a July afternoon.

Flannel sheets in the winter.

The first satisfying gulp of perfectly brewed strong tea.

The smell of newly cut grass.

Mozart’s Queen of the Night’s aria from Magic Flute.

All good.

My teeth touching fabric or cloth. Serious bad shudders.

Accidentally biting down on one’s fork. Bad, again with the teeth.

Finding a large spider somewhere you weren’t expecting it.

Unflushed toilets in public bathrooms. Very bad.

Finding half a bug or that something’s turned rancid–after you’ve started to swallow.

Bad: People jiggling a knee and shaking the table or the row of seats. Church trained me clean out of that to the degree that it now makes me bonkers when other people do that.

Bad: The dentist scraping their pick across the insides of my bottom teeth – the enamel is rather thin there, so it’s chair-arm-clenching time.

Good: This from-scratch butterscotch pudding with caramel drizzled on top from a local swanky restaurant. God, I needed a cigarette after that. And I don’t smoke.

Good: The fourth stanza of Dylan Thomas’s ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’.

Oh, man, I totally agree. I read a news story about a lake in my state that had formed because of a dam, and flooded over a small town (everyone moved out first, obviously) and people actually go out on little boats and look down at the submerged buildings!!! I nearly cried just thinking about it. So creepy!

I totally agree with the fabric touching the teeth thing. UGH!

Other bad shudders:
The gritty feeling of sand or glitter on my skin.
The chalky residue from Milk of Magnesia or Pepto Bismol.
Squirmy bugs. Especially mggots. Mggots freak me the hell out.
The sound of bones breaking, or the grossly mangled look of a broken limb.
Anyone touching the back of my knees.

Good shudders:
Foot rubs. My GAWD, foot rubs.
Back scratches.
A choir singing hymns or patriotic songs.
Barak Obama’s speeches. That man moves me.
Sam Elliot’s voice.
Ella Fitzgerald’s voice. So sweet and pure.
Etta James’s version of At Last.
Nat King Cole, Nat King Cole, Nat King Cole.
Anything by Stevie Ray Vaughan


Industrial Parks.
The cranes on the water in Seattle.
Flying in an airplane.
Wanting to fly an airplane.
Music I really like.
Hand massages.
Someone, anyone, stroking my hair (which I keep very soft for this purpose… you never know when someone might purposely or accidentally brush up against your hair, realise how soft it is, then reach out to touch it instinctively… it happens almost everytime I go out, and it pleases me immensely - I do shudder!)
Ice cream!


Any reddish bits, brown bits, or stringy things in a piece of chicken (or any poultry) I might be eating. I actually prefer the beat-up piece of chicken Subway puts on their sandwiches to a regular hunk of chicken, I hate seeing it so much. If I bite into a chicken breast and see anything not white meat, I have to put it down, feel sick, and stop. I was a vegetarian for years, mostly because of this.
Double shudder for poultry meat with bones in it.
Biting into a bit of eggshell in an otherwise perfect egg salad sandwich.
Bugs. Bugs make me itch like a crack addict.
Breaking a fingernail and not knowing about it until it gets caught on a knit sweater I’m trying to put on.

Plunging right into a refreshing outdoor pool on a 100°day, or a whirlpool on a cold one.

The inaudible, but oh-so-feelable rasp of a wool muffler on a cotton shirt collar in wintertime.

Very, VERY Bad
Horrifically enlarged electron micrographs of bugs. Thank you SO much, science, I really needed to know what it would be like to stare down a mosquito the size of a chihuahua.

Good: The build-up to, and the re-emergence of the main theme of The Wall in Hey You. Interestingly enough, the soloes in ABitWII and CN make me ecstatic but not enough to shudder.

The entirety of “Birthday” by the Sugarcubes.

Most Emiliana Torrini songs.

Bad: A home-grown mechanic fixing the clutch his car in the middle of the night, waking me up with a sound that’s a cross between a 15-second long squealing of brakes and nails down a chalkboard (IRON nails, not fingernail :eek: )

  • Hearing the roaring “THX certified” advertisement, on my surround sound, just before a DVD movie (good). Hearing the loud MGM lion roar is almost as good.

  • The whistling of bottle rockets on the 4th of July (good).

  • Some ending lines of famous movies (good).
    “Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship” - Casablanca
    “You maniacs! You blew it all up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!” - Planet of the Apes

  • Hearing the squealing of car brakes (bad).

  • Clark Howard’s voice on the radio (bad).

  • Seeing Jesse Jackson, anywhere (bad).

  • The saxophone solo of Us and Them (good).

Good-ear nibbling.
Bad-an Air Supply reunion.

This totally cracked me up. I never quite thought of it that way.

Kisses on the inside of my wrists – excellent!!!

Hearing anyone bite into something hard…I hear that and I can’t even close my mouth for a couple of minutes.