Things you don't DARE tell your spouse/SO?

I had a dream the other night that my wife was my mother. Not in any sorta oedipal sense, but just that the person to whom I was married was playing the role of my parent…

Specifically, she was admonishing me for smoking when I’m supposed to be quitting. Which I am. Except for bumming a cigarette every now and then from coworkers.

Thing is, she feels like she is in competition with my mother, for some unfathomable reason… they live on opposite coasts of the US, and we seldom communicate with dear old Mom more often than once a month.

But her mother-in-law is coming out it about a month for a week visit. To see the new baby. Who isn’t born yet, but will be any day now.

So if Mrs. Bughunter learns that I have had such a dream, I’d be on the receiving end of relentless psychoanalysis and angst-filled sobbing rants… you parents know how those hormone-fueled emotional binges reach a crescendo at term.

So that dream is going down on the list of “Things That Will Remain Unsaid.”

So, husbands, wives, and life partners… what else goes on our collective list?

I just have to post in this thread so that when Mr. Athena does his twice-monthly search on all the posts I’ve made, he’ll find that I’ve posted here and have a heart attack.

Hi hon! wave!

Hehe… I should do that too, so my DH will see me.

Oh wait, I just did. :smack:

After 18+ years (16 of which were in legal wedlock) together, we’ve determined that there isn’t much we can’t tell each other. However, we can’t talk about religion without getting VERY angry with each other.

waves to Cardsfan

I am horrible at keeping secrets. I plan all types of outings for us to do and if he gets even remotely wind of it, he digs it out of me. So it’s pretty much pointless for me to try to keep anything from him. Either that or with a single hint, he can guess out of the blue what it is we are going to do and when. (I really HATE that about him.)

It would be interesting to find out if he keeps anything from me though. Come on sweetie fess up!!! :smiley:

Your wife is about to have a baby and you think she gives a tinker’s damn about your dreams? No way - your dreams are the last of her concerns right now, and after the baby’s born your dreams will be even lower on her list of things to fret about.


Um, yeah, when I was younger and not as mature, I took it personally. But we have found some common ground, and we stay on that.

In the past, there have been some “unfortunate incidents” at work that were my fault and didn’t tell her about it at the time. I would tell her later, though. Fortunately, that hasn’t happened for a long time now.


I’ve informed GrizzWife about any fights I’ve been in since we’ve been married…
…about 50% of the time.

If I can make my way through a physical altercation without any bruising, scratches or abrasions, she probably won’t know about it.

I don’t tell my husband how many sexual partners I’ve had before him (he once told me it would “kill” him to know - so I don’t tell him he’s a bit of a drama queen either) and I don’t tell him I just farted or need to.

I used to not tell her when something did make her look fat, then I discovered that she really did want the honest truth.

I now tell her that such and such outfit will “make [her] look bigger than [she] actually is.”

I’ve had girlfriends with whom “does this make me look fat?” had no right answer. It used to drive me crazy – why ask for my opinion if you’re going to argue with my answer?

With Mrs. Giraffe, I just say “really fat!” on the rare occasions she asks, and she’ll either laugh or knock me down. Or both. (Mrs. Giraffe is a hottie, so I find it far more effective to reassure her with mockery than with actual reassurances.)

Giraffe, does this sandwich, which was in a plastic bag in some of your urine, make me look fat?”

So he finds out the hard way? That’s just mean :wink:

Are you kidding?
That sounds really odd to me.
WHat would be the difference between 1(which I assume he knows there was at least 1) and 10? :confused:

heh :slight_smile:

My favorite response to this question is:
<look left>
<look right>
<eyes forward>

Which used to get “Why’d you have to pause? It does, doesn’t it? Oh my God I’m a cow!!!”

Big Laffs.

We’ve been married ten years. She doesn’t ask anymore :slight_smile:

He likes to pretend there were none. He feels like we should just pretend our romantic life started when we met - never mind that he was 28 and I was 31.

BTW, it was quite a bit more than 10. Not that he has any idea.

You better run, punk!

There’s a lot more urine where that came from.

It’s posts like yours that are just gonna piss Giraffe off.

Clearly my one lasting impact on this board is gonna be that contest. I have no problem with that.

You are well out of high school, right? What kind of life does an adult male lead that he gets into so many fights?!