When I first started reading and posting here, there were a lot of threads about “Chick Tracts” and Jack Chick. I had no idea who or what that was about. After seeing a dozen or more threads about them, I opened one out of curiosity. Well, a “Chick Tract” certainly wasn’t anything like I thought it might have been. I have still yet to see one in the wild. Everything I know about him/them comes from here.
Pro wrestling. There is an active thread in The Game Room right now that prompted this thread. Now, let me be clear that I am not putting anyone down or judging. I just never knew that this was a thing with adults. I always assumed that it was like Saturday morning cartoons - they were there for 12 year old boys who grew out of it pretty quickly around High School. I always assumed that the adults at wrestling matches were just there taking their 12 year old boys to the show. Again, after seeing a bunch of threads on the subject, I wandered in to one and it was fascinating. People have deep historical knowledge of it and they even have their own vocabulary that to my knowledge does not exist outside of this one subject. There aren’t “good guys” and “bad guys”, they’re (something) and (something). I can’t remember what the terms are. There is another term for maintaining character that I’ve never encountered anywhere else.
If it weren’t for the SDMB, I’d still be completely ignorant of those two things. There are more, but I’d rather get other peoples experiences.