Things You Shouldn't Need To Tell People

I find this particularly to be amusing around gym’s were presumably you are going to get exercise, but it maybe walking only counts if you are on a treadmill? There was one gym, where I would see people parking in a non-spot (no markings so you really should not be parking there) just be closer.


There is a “Shoe” cartoon a co-worker used to have in her cube:

I really should run a couple of miles a few times a week, but the track is a mile away and I have no way to get there.

If the person parking plans to do any shopping, the reason could be to have a shorter walk while carrying a bunch of stuff. :slight_smile:

Most stores provide shopping carts.

I’ve never seen shopping carts at a mall.

If I honk my horn at someone two cars ahead of me because the light is green and they’re still not moving, if you’re the person in the car ahead of me but still behind the problem car DON’T automatically assume I’m honking at you and start getting pissed off.

Like holy shit this is the simplest concept to understand because you’re literally stuck because of the same car.

i think the most secret thing don’t share your weakness with anybody

I tend to disagree here. In my experience, honking is always at the car in front of (or right next to) you. At best, you are honking at me to get me to honk at the ding-a-ling holding the line up. My immediate thought in this case would be “what do you want me to do about it? I can’t move either!”.

Hi Richard!

I think that’s bad advice, actually. Be selective about who one shares what weaknesses with, sure; but it’s hard to reduce one’s own weakness, and/or to work with others’ weaknesses and strengths, if people are supposed to never acknowledge their own weaknesses.

Additionally, the further back you are in the line, the less likely it is that you can tell what the actual holdup is and whether honking is remotely useful. Maybe the driver at the front of the line really is asleep or distracted; but maybe they’re waiting for a short person you can’t see to clear the crosswalk, or they can see cross traffic coming that looks like it’s not stopping for the light change.

For a while, I occasionally for a venue which included a theatre, a football 5-a-side thingy and another multi-sports centre. They usually shared the parking, but when the theatre or the sports centre had a big event on, they could reserve some or all of the parking at the venue, and directed everyone else using the venue to an office block down the road, a few hundred yards away, which they had an agreement with.

My job was usually to try to manage the parking.

What this meant was a lot of arguing. Was it the wobbly elderly people who didn’t quite qualify for a disabled pass who were going to the theatre who complained? Nah. The people who kicked up a huge fuss about the extra few hundred yards walk, without fail, were people there to exercise.

On one occasion, I had one guy just get out and leave his car in the -clearly marked- emergency vehicle access to the sports pitch, while they had a big match on. Even after I’d pointed it out (he stated that he ‘Always parked there’ which apparently made that better, not worse). People somehow wedged their cars into the footpath access. They dumped their cars in the road, blocking gates. I had them try and drive through the taped off area covered in ‘reserved’ signs to try to park in the space reserved for the team coach. Anything but exercise on the way to and from their exercise.

Maybe they’re dead.

Why is that everyone’s problem? They should at least pull over.

I was waiting for tires to be put on my Jeep once at a tire place in a big strip mall. In the distance I saw a guy dozing in his car, which made me laugh at how long he must have been waiting. Then I noticed that his windows were all up. It was a hot day so I figured he had his air-conditioning running.

The more I looked at the guy, the stranger the situation seemed to be. His head was back at an odd angle and his mouth appeared to be hanging open. From where I was it did not look like his car was running.

I was just about to call the police when the guy told me my car was ready.


So although you thought the guy might be dead or dying, as long as you were going to be able to drive away right away you weren’t going to do anything about it?

I’d been sitting there for hours. He was either dead or sleeping. My thought was, if he was asleep and I went and tapped on his window or something, he would wake up and maybe not be happy about being wakened. If he was dead he wasn’t getting any deader.

I realize there are different ways to look at the situation. My gf said she would have called the cops early on. I assumed he’d finished working an overnight shift and was sleeping.

Nah dude it’s cool, dude’s a nigerian prince and he’ll give me way more money if I just help him pay his lawyer’s fees.

When (okay, if ) you refill one of the ice cube trays with water, put it under the other trays in the freezer, not on top of them.

So, don’t. The light will still change! Also, the vast majority of North American drivers are thinking “Clutch? Who drives a stick these days?”

In my far off youth I worked in a large dirt lot for a dirt track/flea market managing parking.

We had a song "Baa baa metal sheep have you any brains? No sir no sir, not two grains

Baa baa metal sheep won’t you park there? Fuck you rent-a-pig, I am gonna park here."

If you left them alone they would invariably park in a row three deep, trapping the cars in the middle. You would always have some oversized pickup, so some idiot could figure he could park next to it, and not block off the driving lane much. But that would trap the car in front of him, and as sure as god made little green apples, they would all follow the example.

Of course they, also parked in the fire lanes, etc as you mentioned.