Things you'd like to see, just for the name

My wife had an idea awhile back for a restaurant/bakery that only sold desserts. All kinds of desserts: cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream, you name it. And she would call this restaurant “Just Desserts”. She admitted she liked the idea just because of the name.

Yesterday out on our walk we noticed many yards with lots of little oak trees sprouting up all over. Last year was a bumper crop for acorns, and we’ve had a lot of rain this spring, so conditions have been right. I suggested that someone should invent a vacuum, kind of like a modified leaf blower/sucker, for picking up acorns. And I said “I would call it the Nut Sucker.”

There is also my idea for an Asian soup and noodle shop called “Miso Horny”.

I’d like to see a store called “Cheap Plastic Crap.” Honesty in advertising.

“A Stitch In Time” - working clocks made primarily from sewn fabric.

In western Illinois, there is pet-grooming salon called “Doggie Styles”.

I keep hoping to see a bumper sticker that imaginatively says “Professional Driver – Do Not Attempt”.

I always wanted to start a 24hr Chinese restaurant called “Wok Around the Clock.” If it was successful, I’d open another one around the corner and call it “Wok Around the Block.”

(Many years after I had this idea, I actually saw a restaurant called “Wok Around the Clock,” so I guess I should have done it after all.

In Ann Arbor, there are several Thai restaurants who’s head chef and co-owner is nicknamed No, called No Thai!.

(There was a bit of a kerfluffle about the name…)

There’s an industrial fastener company here called Mid State Bolt and Screw.

The eleven-year-old boy in my brain always reads it as “Screw and Bolt.”

“Fake Orgasms Inc”, this will be the name of my erotic productions company.

In which case I’m sure you’d enjoy a large helping at this Vietnamese noodle bar in London’s upmarket Chelsea…

Mildly NSFW: [SPOILER]Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I’ve seen a restaurant called Just Desserts, so that might cause trademark problems.

I don’t know if is still there, but there was a restaurant in the Village called Tea & Sympathy. They served a fairly awesome high tea, much better than Harrods, which was overpriced and underwhelming.

Pho King Delicious

Hung Far Low in Portland.

I’ve mentioned before that I thought about a gravy bar called “One Foot in the Gravy”. Shots, pints, quarts. Biscuits extra.

Chicken delivery service called Poultry in Motion.

I’m sure there are tons of them, but I’ve never seen one in person.

There’s a little gift shop in Maine near Bar Harbor called “The Tourist Trap”.

I used to pass a restaurant on my way to work named “Wok and Roll”.
No clue if it’s actually any good.

A landscaping company owned by an Evangelical Christian:

In Sod We Trust

Back when macrame’ was a thing, my wife and daughter and I tied up all sorts of pieces to sell wherever we could. We had a little sign to hang over our booth (wherever a booth was an option) that read:

Knots So Fast

A hairdresser’s called Curl Up and Dye.

Sneed’s Feed and Seed (formerly Chuck’s).

That’s one of my favorite sight gags on The Simpsons. I had to rewind it when I first saw it, b/c I was sure that I’d misread the sign.

A friend of mine wanted to set up a business in which she and a friend of hers would assist real estate agents, or brokers, with menial tasks, such as restocking the printed flyers in the “For Sale” signs on lawns, setting up house tours, following up on leads, and the like – “go-fer” tasks.

I insisted they call their business “Gopher Brokers”; unfortunately, they never followed through on their business plans.