Thinking about summer vacation in the MMP

There’d better be plenty of hot tea available, too, not just that cold stuff.

[ s ] and [ / s ]. Without the spaces, of course.

Where do you keep coming up with these fish I never heard of?

I can’t decide which would be worse – drinking beer, or listening to a political speech…

What’s that?

{{{{all y’all}}}}

Last actual vacation (ie, taking a few days off work to go somewhere) we took was in the summer of 2011, when we went up to Maine to visit friends. Most we’ve done since then was a weekend trip to New York in 2019 for our daughter’s graduation. I did have a passport once, but never used it.

62 and fair; low tonight 46. Highs in the 60s and lows in the 50s the next few days, but rain every day through Wednesday. Bleah.

Ordered forty tulip bulbs which will supposedly be shipped in late September. Most of the tulips in this neighbourhood are red or yellow, so I’ve ordered purple, white, and other colours.

Afternoon all. Boys finally played a team with less experience than they have and won 7-0. Did very well and hopefully will continue to do well. Strange occurrence; the first five Saturdays we played, the boys lost and the girls won; this week the girls lost and the boys won. Apparently I am not allowed to have both teams win or both teams lose on the same day as decreed by the Great Goal Gods…

Herald, I think that means as you come down the first big hill, you ‘dip’ down, then very briefly straighten out, then ‘dip’ down again. But have a look at this you tube run of the coaster in question ( ).

FCM, shredders love to be fed…

Wizard, glad Mrs. Wizard is back doing stuff (even if a bit limited).

nellie, I only referee for the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), which is a totally volunteer-run group and among in prime tenets is “Good Sportsmanship”, so I seldom hear anything from parents or coaches. Add to that that most adult Ali-bamans did not grow up with soccer so they wouldn’t know what to criticize me for! Some adult and competitive leagues can get loud and rowdy, which is why I do not do them–don’t need the money and certainly don’t need the yelling.

crafty, nice digs. Hope you can get back to O Canada soon.

OK, need to get cleaned up and thinking about dinner. All y’all take care.

I’m too lazy to quote but Metalouse is correct. The dip pulls you out of your seat, especially if you’ve loosened your seatbelt (shhhhhh… :wink:). It’s fun!

There’s also a fine tradition of “humping the Turtle” at Kennywood. Don’t ask. :turtle: :slightly_smiling_face:

The branzino came in a bag in the frozen fish locker at the supermarket. The barramundi (which I like better) comes from Costco.

Ahh the joys of and old house. Was an irritating day here an CasaPaint. I replaced the front door. The old one was drafty and leaking, so it seemed to be a good idea. Turns out the opening is not either square or level. After much shimming and making filler pieces, it is finally in and closes properly. Instead of what should have been a 1 hour job, it was more like 5, including two trips to my shop. I don’t keep anywhere as many tool at home as I do over there, like no table saw, router, etc. at home. Still need to do the caulking and touch up painting, but that will be tomorrow.

Now for some dinner and chillage.

Stay safe, all.

Looks like everybody had a busier day than I did. :slight_smile:

Still have to fold the towels, but once that’s done, laundry will be finished.

Cross-posted from Cafe Society.

Today we went to Red Rum tiki bar. Nowhere near the atmosphere of Kelbo’s, but tiki-ish, but whaddya gonna do? I totally dug that they were playing Star Trek:TOS on the TV. Music was Hawaiian-ish. I’ll have to clue them in on Big Kahuna & the Copa Cat Pack. We shared chicharrones, which were actually fried pork belly rather than pig skins, and a Cuban sandwich served up as a salad instead of a sandwich. We both had a mai tai. Mrs. L.A. had a Planet of the Apes, and I had a fogcutter. Alas, she’s had enough before I could have a zombie. We’re home now, so we’re having margaritas. We’ll be going back.

Howdy Y’all! I took the first plunge today. BRRR! However, after bein’ in for a few minutes the water felt quite good. “Hon” (yes, that is still goin’ on) decided to opt out, the big ol’ wuss! He went to the burly butcher sto’ and purchased some smoked chikin, and, while not the same as rotissed chikin. was nummy. I did some peas 'n carrots and scalloped N.O.T. from a box (don’t judge!) as side matter. Turned out to be a pretty tasty sup.

Boo I’m not sure about the convertible. It would mess up my coif! Although 'Stang was a convertible and we did enjoy it very much.

In all fairness, I’m not sure I could still get in and out of a Mustang. In maybe, out might be ugly to watch. Of course my orthopedic capabilities also rules out Jeeps and most pickups. I do promise, however, to not flirt with Hon’ if he comes along on the Land Cruise.

Well, I’m having animal crackers for dinner!

Animal crackers in your soup?

I can do that at home. I made sure to stock up before the Brexit mess so we’re working through a dozen bottles of Islay’s finest. I really want to have Cullen Skink at Kilchoman, hang out at Bruichladdich and see the new visitor center at Bunnahabhain.

Super. I do have a lot of yellow ones, but they are all double, and most of of the other ones I have are striped or parrot or both. And I have some of the shorter ones, often called “rock garden” tulips, which multiply on their own.

I’ve got 25 circus club gladiolas and 12 lily bulbs coming in the mail on Tuesday, so those need to get in the ground. I will not be digging them up for winter. The other glads I have come back without any troubles.

Today is bourbon chicken in the multi-cooker. Hope it turns out well. We figured out we can watch videos on AppleMusic on the television, so we have a old-time (1980s) MTV meets Hard Rock Cafe in our living room. If the bourbon chicken tastes as good, or better, than the mall version I remember from 20 years ago, I think we’ll have a good Sunday.

I Wanna Rock [And I follow Dee Snider on Twitter. This is the new “get off my lawn” standard.]

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 66 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 87 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Mayhaps there shall be another dip in the cee-mint pond this afternoon. The big plan of the day is to deheathenate (the ten o’clock service) followed by N.O.L. at the local good seafood place, except it’s not seafood I am after. The place has Sunday N.O.L. specials that are non seafood as well as seafood. One of the items is fried poke chops which are soooooo good and I got a gnawin’ and a cravin’. Thus it shall be. I foresee nappage as well.

Boo flirtation is fine as long as you don’t go offerin’ extra sour cream or 'maters.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then purtification for deheathenization must commence.

Happy Sunday Y’all!

Definite weird dream last night. One of my former bosses owned a bar (no, he never did and never expressed and interest in doing so) and I was his cocktail waitress (yeah, right, so like me…) Added weirdness - at one point, there were no floorboards in the middle of the floor, so we all had to walk around the edge of the room. Then a woman came in demanding free ginger ale, and I woke up. Analyze that one! :rofl:

First plan of the day is a run to Food Lion for some food-like items. When I come home, I’m going to put down the grass seed I bought the other day - we’re promised rain several times in the coming days. And the dishwasher needs to be emptied. Then I may or may not work in the basement some more. And I should run to WalMart - we need kitty litter and it’s worth the longer drive to save. I suppose I could get groceries there instead of Food Lion. Must consider.

It’s supposed to get into the 80s today, but little sun. Under normal circumstances, I’d do a lot of outside work, but I worry about FCD sitting inside alone. He’s so bummed about being on the walker, he won’t venture out. Maybe I can persuade him to at least come for a ride in the car just because. We shall see.

And so it begins. Happy Sunday!

Morning all. Up early and see a 40% chance of rain today, so mowage may get cancelled out…we’ll see. Otherwise just general tiding-up about the house is the only thing on the agenda. My Sunday dinner this week on the schedule is “Rat’s Choice”, so I’ll peruse the restaurants I haven’t been too in awhile for eating out/

FCM, obviously your dream means that you need a gin-and-tonic for breakfast…

VanGo, glad the door is now functioning.

:open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Good morning, Mumpers!

It’s sunny now, but the oracles predict tunder-boomers tonight. So I’ve already dragged the biiiiiiiiiiiiig trash bin to the curb, so I don’t hafta deal with it after work tonight in the rain.

What foresight! How responsible! Go me! :medal_sports:

Off to work in an hour. We already know we’re short-handed today :roll_eyes: so plans were made last night at closing for who’s doing what today.

I’ll have one of the new hires with me all day, to train her on the curbside pickup service. (She’s been inside packing orders till now, so today she sees the rest of the life cycle of a customer order. Many small things “click” once you can see the whole picture.)

Well, I suppose some sort of breakfast might be in order now. All y’all enjoy your (de-)heathenization rituals, and be safe out there.

Sucking down my mug of coffee prior to throwing in some cereal so I can “purtify” and head over to Harriet’s for our play day. Whee!

I knocked out a whole bunch of weeding again yesterday, dug out tree roots, and mowed the lawn. My darn left knee, upper arm, and shoulder are definitely feeling it today. Come to think of it, so is my back. The area I was weeding and digging out tree roots is a slope and some of it is pretty darn steep. At any rate, the bin is more than two-thirds full, so I’ll have to wait for some stuff to cook down in there because it won’t be emptied for almost two weeks. Or, I’ll tamp that baby down and it’ll weigh even more when we try to roll it down the hilly driveway to the curb.

The husband is in a big hurry to get bark/mulch delivered, but I asked him where we would put the weeds while waiting on the bin, especially since some of the pile I had created last year is STILL waiting to be put in the bin. He had to concede that I was right. I really, really miss having a pick-up truck.

I may do some more weeding as it’s actually supposed to be nicer today than it was yesterday. I also need to do laundry, and I may knock out some work-related stuff. So, another busy day on hand.

Time for the second mug of coffee.

Sorry, Metal Mouse - that was a typo that I didn’t even notice. I was typing on my teeny little phone keyboard while distracted by my surroundings.

Up, caffeinated and sheveled. Off today, so cleaning and sloth are on the agenda. Alex Catt was just chasing Gordie around the living room


Flyboy, I’ll have to check them out. I love swing. And tiki bars.

OOO, sounds fun.

JWs :point_down: 13 year old boys :point_down: UPS drivers
…Ding Dong Dash

The Marx of a sophisticated palate.

They were featured on a Hulu documentary about Scotch. I’ll have to try some now that I can go to whisky bars again.

It’s mosquito season, so you need them for protection. :cup_with_straw:

I’m on pot #2. I may have to replace the coffee maker soon, the switch is giving out. Of course most things and people will snap if you push their button twice a day every day for 10 years.