This bullshit is getting fucking old!

Alright you motherfuckers, this shit is getting old. We need to get rid of those faggot ass lobbyists that are working for big pharma to kill our buzz! Well, let’s get to raising hell at those congress critters that would vote for this. It helps keep me from drinking and it calms me; makes me less psychotic. In short: it is my happy place.

I’m not sure it’s working.

By “lobbyists” do you mean American Kratom Association?

“faggot ass”? Really?

I think it’s satire.

I don’t know what kratom is, but thanks to the OP, I’m against it.

It seems to me that they’re jumping the gun. They aren’t upset about kratom being banned. They’re upset at the possibility that the FDA may be able to better regulate supplements. They’re assuming that this means the FDA will ban kratom.

I personally think that supplements should be better regulated. That industry is sloppy, resulting in issues where the amount of the substance on the bottle doesn’t match the amount in the substance. This needs to be standardized.

I’m also not sure that this would actually change the FDA’s ability to go after kratom. It wouldn’t be the first substance that started out as an herb and later got classified as a drug.

I have no idea what (other than the cognitive effects of kratom) would justify a new rant when there’s a perfectly good old rant thread less that a month old right here.

It is, but I think it’s highly questionable satire, since (so far as I’m aware) the idiots who are being mocked are not specifically characterized by use of this type of bigoted ephithet.

While the above by @Riemann is probably true, it doesn’t matter. Would you (dare to) put the N-word (spelled out) there in place of “faggot?”

Speed kills, Del.

Closed until @Miller gets a chance to review the 7 or so flags this has already generated. I suspect it will stay closed. I am often wrong.

Definitely staying closed. The OP is a call to action, which isn’t allowed. And I’m giving a formal warning to the poster for use of slurs.