This is how you blow a very winnable election

First shooting

While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.

Second shooting

Mr. Rittenhouse seems to make a phone call and then flees the scene. Several people chase him, some shouting, “That’s the shooter!”

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

Sorry…replied to the wrong person.

If they’re white, it’s stand your ground. If they’re black, it’s shoot 'em down.

@agzem. Thanks for the links. It looks as if this malfunctioning piece of shit traveled all over midwest looking for black people to murder.

All three were white. One was a pedophile, another was a domestic abuser, and another criminal who was trying to shoot Rittenhouse point blank but Rittenhouse shot him first.

This is what common sense looks like! Well said.

Glad we agree. Yes, spot on.

No. Not what I’m asking for. A John Lewis style march/rally is always welcome. The burning and looting is most decidedly not, and neither is intimidating people into pledging fealty to your cause. There is a world of difference between those things.

Yes, a 3-way race in which his two opponents were conservative old white guys from Texas.

Great point. And I constantly see liberal friends share videos from the BLM types who actually do defend, even celebrate, burning and looting. And it’s not just other Democrats like me who see this: it’s everyone in their family, or who they went to high school with, who knows they are on the left. So it is terrible branding for our side. (And it’s funny how, although the people in the videos are Black, the people sharing them always seem to be white, trying to virtue signal to the max.) It’s absolutely crazymaking.

I would love this. On my local CBS TV station, the host of a Hannity-style show that comes on right after the CBS Evening News played a voicemail from a listener in which the woman said “Joe Biden gave a good speech, read it from the teleprompter. But Kamala Harris is going to be the one running the show, and she’s going to close all the prisons and let all the inmates go free.” The host didn’t correct her at all! I was so pissed. But if we’re already carrying the burden of the left not trusting her from her prosecutorial background, we may as well use it to our advantage to get her to reassure moderate white suburbanites. She needs some moderation of her brand with them anyway, after she was rated on DW-NOMINATE is the second-most-liberal Democrat in the Senate (after Warren but ahead of Bernie).

This is ridiculous. And I am positive you have this backward. Only someone with your privilege can afford to place this kind of purity policing over the real necessity of getting Trump out of office. This is exactly why Black Democratic primary voters so consistently go for moderate candidates, why they supported Joe Biden overwhelmingly: they are pragmatic and know that it’s much more important to get Republicans out of power than to elect the ideal progressive Democrat.


Yes, this. Or just “reform the police”.

This is quite obviously untrue. I’m against the movement, and I’m also against Trump and the GOP. This is true for many people, and we can walk and chew gum at the same time. If we see the movement as jeopardizing our goal of defeating the GOP, then we do have a reason to criticize it, and anyone who also wants to defeat the GOP should definitely listen to what we have to say.

They shouldn’t! If Trump does this, he’s throwing us right into the briar patch, where Rust Belt suburbanites will feel much more comfortable with us in power. Meanwhile, the left will grumble but they will still go vote Democratic because Trump and the GOP are so awful. Win-win.

People like Boudicca will jump up and down and stamp their feet and vow not to vote for Biden in this scenario, but (a) I don’t believe them, (b) the vast majority of them are not in swing states, and (c) flipping a swing voter makes twice as much difference as attracting or retaining a progressive voter.

I’m voting Howie Hawkins, but you are right that I live in California, so this state will go to Biden anyway. I haven’t voted Democrat since 2008, the party left me behind quite some time ago. The only way I could vote for Biden is if I still lived in a swing state like Nevada, and even then I would find it difficult. As the GOP slides further and further into fascism, the Dems seem to want to take their place on the center-right. I am still a Democrat, but only to make sure progressives still have some influence to save the party from itself.

Cite for these claims?

And if my aunt had wheels she would be a bicycle.

Don’t overthink your weak tea replies. As pointed in the past, you continue to ignore that the ones tempting fate now are others. Many of those appeared in the last day of the convention from the old grand party of the old Republicans.

We got fanning the flames guys like conspiracy theorist Giuliani, the racist confederate Tim Cotton, and the divisive Trump on top.

Sounds like healing in America. /s

More like a super spreader of hate and corona virus.

When I saw the police in the article’s video, grouped around a fence and spraying a protester, I did remember this classic cartoon from Ron Cobb:

The president saying “Mah fellow Americans” surrounded by shady looking police, keeping his so called “fellow” Americans out of his view.

Very glad to see they are in fact using Kamala Harris to inoculate the ticket:

This is brilliant because although she has a very liberal voting record in the Senate, she does have a strong law enforcement background (too strong for some), and she’s a better messenger for it than Biden is as a white man. More of this please!

I’ll second the request. And if one isn’t provided, I’d sure like to see the mod’s do something about that post.

And it’s exactly what I told you would happen. It’s why I don’t understand you making this thread. We knew that the reason Harris was picked was so she could push the law-and-order message. There is no other reason to pick the prosecutor who is widely hated by the left.

Biden is running a center-right campaign. His goal is to pick up the moderate Republicans who are disaffected by Trump. He is counting on being able to keep enough of the left for it not to matter.

His strategy thus is to be against the violence, but not against the movement. It is to agree the police need “defunding” while avoiding the slogan. He’s just doing it in a more politically correct manner.

He has to get the left to attack him to appeal to the right wingers (moderate Republicans). But he also has to make sure they don’t get too upset, and to not become someone who is genuinely seen as evil (like Trump).

The riots will only hurt him if he makes them worse with his actions. If he does it right, he can use them to win votes from moderate Republicans.

And, no, I’m not happy this is the strategy. I was hoping Bernie’s strategy would work better, but he couldn’t get the votes. But it makes sense–in a place where Trump could win by appealing to people’s basest desires, you really can’t pull hard to the left. You have to ease them back away from the cliff.

Here’s the video of the Gaige Grosskreutz as attempts to shoot Rittenhouse:

Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender for a sex crime involving a minor.

Huber has a criminal history that includes charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse

Man people want to attack Rand Paul, everywhere he goes lol

Grosskreutz has a criminal record that includes being intoxicated & armed w/a gun. His friend said that Grosskreutz’s only regret ‘was not killing the kid’ and ’emptying the entire mag into him

I can’t duplicate this search.

I wouldn’t trust a site by Andy. He’s a known liar.

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We tell protesters how (not) to protest all the time.