This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen online...

First, try the interractive sneak peek online, and then get the screensaver. It’s so wonderfully simplistic, yet so dammed funny, I can’t do it justice.

I just made an El Corndog, with booby tassles, and a party hat.

I like the warning:

Funny stuff :slight_smile:
I love the “death by dessert” option. Worth checking out!


My thirteen-year-old and I spent about 15 minutes playing with corndog. Sick, twisted stuff. We loved it!

I did very bad things to a cute little boy with a hunk of jello. Now I must go and pry for forgiveness.

Prying will get you in more trouble!

That Corndog cracks me up! I just watched “Corndog vs. the School Bus”. :smiley:

HAHAHAHAH!! Excellent! I loved the ? option for zapping the little boy (man I’m sick) I downloaded the screensaver, brilliant. It just downloaded another skit for me must go and check it out.

I’m just glad it didn’t say, All your bases are belong to us.

We’d have to kill you if it did.

Loved the music in it, and the cutsie baby noises he makes, masking the homicidal interior. Nukes a schoolbus, and then goes chasing a butterfly, all the while cooing like an infant.
My buddy liked it so much, he’s been working on a flash animation of similar style.

Of course, now you’ve tainted the thread by adding thouse words to it…