This Is The MMP

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 70 Amurrkin out and cloudy with probably rain again off and on all day. The same for the next three days includin’ the Fourth. It kinda looks like Thursday will be a hang inside da cave day rather than at the cee-mint pond from what the weather PTB are sayin’. Bummer.

So, this is where I’m supposed to make some kind of comment to get this started. Ok. I’m smokin’ ribs and chikin for a Fourth of July feast. I know we have non-Amurrkin Mumpers so y’all are thinkin’, “well big deal” but this is a biiiiiiig Amurrkin holiday so one must feast. Thus ribs, chikin, coleslaw, corn sallit and baked beans are on the menu. Dessert shall be watermelon cause, well, it’s watermelon season and I can get fresh, homegrown watermelon right from the field bein’ as I have a friend who grows watermelons and lets me come pick my own. YAY! I loves me some good watermelon and eat it like crazy when it’s in season.

So there’s the comment to get this started. I suppose I could pose a question. What are you other Amurrkin Mumpers plannin’ for the Fourth? What do our non-Amurrkin Mumpers feast upon on major national holidays where you are? That sounds hijackable. :smiley:

Now I need more caffiene and should feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas and alack, 'tis Moanday so irk purtification must commence. It’s July 1st so that’s the start of the new Program Year at irk. Ick!

Happy Moanday Y’all!

First! Woot!

And apparently second too, since I missed the edit window. Stoopid irk!

We don’t have that many major national holidays that require feasting, probably hexmas is the only one. However, I don’t celebrate hexmas either so no roast turkey and trimmings for me as a “special” meal 'cos I can cook that any time of year I feel like it.

I have a four-day week this week, I get to take Friday off as it’s a friend’s birthday coming up next week. It’s a Significant Birthday and he’s arranged a weekend away and has invited 34 of us to join him for fun and frolics. We’re staying in a converted farmhouse that now markets itself as self-catering accommodation and comes complete with two hot tubs and a pool. There’s a pub a mile away, the farm is located near a local reservoir and has lots of walking/cycling paths around it.

Should be a fun weekend, I had to go shopping for birthday presents on Saturday which was a giggle, and I am looking forward to spending a great weekend with a bunch of friends especially since I’ve not seen some of them for quite a while.

Until then, it’s irksome irk for me.

Good morning, such as it is. As I was making the long trek across the bathroom to the sink so I could brush my teeth, my back decided I wasn’t in enough pain, and my knees buckled and I was not pleased. :mad: When I was able, I stood up straight, then went to the other bathroom that has a higher sink, so toothies are all brushed. But today was supposed to be spent digging up plantages - we shall see how that goes.

The party at my friend’s place was OK - essentially a bunch of women sitting around and talking and noshing. I noticed my friend is one of those folks who, while they appear to be listening, are in fact thinking about what they’re going to say as soon as you pause to take a breath, usually on a totally different topic. Oh well, it was still a nice few hours.

My phone is all weird. On Saturday, I got a text from my daughter FIVE HOURS after she sent it! And yesterday, I got a voice mail from my sis TWO HOURS after she left it, plus there was no record of her call in my log. I need to have words with AT&T. Stoopit cell service.

Mom and I watched TV all evening, and I finished making a shawl. She had another bag of yarn for me - I’ll never get to the bottom of my stash!! And man, can that woman talk and talk and talk and talk… I’m already wondering if cruising with her for 4 weeks is a good idea. :eek:

After we gather plantages and get cleaned up, I’m going to lunch with Mom and some of the AARP folks. That should be interesting. And once that’s done, I’ll return home. I bet none of you imagined retirement could be sooooooooo exciting! :wink:

Happy Moanday!

MOOOOOOM what time of day do AARPers have N.O.L.? 10 A.M.? When does the early bird N.O.L. special start? Acutally I kinda know. I know that Ryan’s (buffet place) opens at 10:45 A.M. and all the retirees flock in right then. Seriously. Once I thought we were goin’ early when we went at eleven-thirty and the place was crowded.

I’m at irk. ICK! Got stuff to start doin’ but don’t wanna.

First from my state!

Hey, small victories…

I’m single for a few days because The Wife is staying with The Kid and the** G-Kid** for the week whilst I toil and bring home the bacon. I’ll drive down on Thursday morning to spend the weekend with them.

Second cup of caffienation, coming right up…

What a yucky soupy humid day. Plus it’s Monday. Have I mentioned I hate Mondays almost as much as I hate humidity?

Blurf. So tired. Birthday party for a friend on Saturday night, which was at a Brazilian steakhouse–they just kept bringing us meat, and in a rookie move, I’d had some rice, so I couldn’t fit any more in my tummy. I did wear my eatin’ pants, though, so at least I had plenty of room. Afterwards we went back to the birthday boy’s house and had cake and some laughs–there was a mason jar of moonshine and while I did not partake, the grimaces on the faces of those that did made it totally worth it.

Yesterday I had another wedding, which was very nice. I’d say more about it and how my cousins are pretty awesome and hilarious, but I’m tired and I’ve had a headache since Saturday night, so blurf again.

At least it’s a short week. I begged off the family vacation this weekend because I’m just tired and want to stay home. I gave one of my cousins a list of the things I’ve done/dealt with since Memorial Day weekend, and she agreed I shouldn’t have to go anywhere. It was a damn impressive list. (Three weddings, two birthday parties, two other parties, a sinus infection, a second-degree burn, two separate houseguests that stayed a week each, a trip to Maine, a day-long photo shoot where I was both working and modeling, two emergency vet visits, two probably terminally-ill cats, and a toothache that lasted a week and a half because I was clenching my jaw in my sleep from the stress.) I might go down and meet them in Atlantic City on Friday night, but that’s a really long drive to lose a lot of money and then come home.

Morning all,

I pretty much had to swim to work it so humid here. Gonna be a slow week as everyone is on vay-cay because of the holiday.

Fourth of July we are having friends over and grilling (no not the friends). We are grilling brats, scallops and shrimp brushed with EVOO and freshly picked lemon basil, lemon thyme and parsley , potato slices brushed with EVOO and freshly picked rosemary, cherry tomatos from the garden, onions and peppers (didnt grow those). I am also serving appitizers of caviar w/cream cheese spread and a cheese and summer sausage plate. Ice cream for dessert.

It’s my country’s birthday today!

Must make some cookies. Not for any birthday, though. For… someone. :wink:

Happy Canada Day! And it’s only two months until my trip over there too…

I believe my plans for the Fourth will be insisting that Night Audit Lady and I use up the Olive Garden gift card I got. If she can’t make it this week I’ll get together with Irish Storyteller to use it after his court date next…week? Yep, next week’s when he goes back to legally remove Crazy Bitch from his premises. Oh boy, that phone call is going to be prime.

I banged my toes pretty bad on the bathroom step this morning and they hurt. There go my plans for taking a hike today.

Blurf. I rolled my ass outta bed around 0830, which is way late for me. I luuuurves vacation. My plans for the week include a lot of sitting on my ass enjoying idle time, punctuated by fishing, mowing the lawn, and a day trip Wednesday to the Shenandoah Valley to go to a book sale. The 4th will be just another vacation day, but I expect to go see some fahrworks at night.

Ooof, last week was an intensive class on a new release and the developers both teaching and fielding our suggestions. Glad that’s over!

A short one this week of course and then off for some R&R.

You think I can leave this alone? Ha! I’ll probably start a smoke thread this week if I can get caught up on everything else. In the meantime, this was Saturday, short ribs, split out a turkey roast and some yardburd quarters. Make a bulldog bust his chain. And this is who I bought my smoker from. He gave up lawyerin’ to weld pits and truly loves his work. I spent an hour talking about my next one with him, then just happened to catch him on the tube yesterday. How’d you like that rig for your July 4th celebrations?

We’re having to crank up the watering times just to keep stuff alive now. Summer… it’s done arrived.

Mornin’ all.

Ya know the subject of moonshine seems to come up in the MMP more often than it should and from all parts of the globe. :smiley: Inerrestin’…

lieu I’m nowhere near the adventurous or avid smoker you seem to be but ain’t it fun!


Good Morning!

Happy Canada Day!

I appear to have had a glass of wine to many last night. The hangover is pretty bad this morning. On the plus side it is a 3 day week for me!:smiley:

lieu we have had to as well. Ridiculous hot over the weekend and large brown patches appeared on the lawn in the back yard.

Fiddlesticks. :wink:

Moonshine… I saw a new commercial just yesterday for moonshine in a mason jar, three flavors I think. Gots to try somma that. I loved the show about moonshiners that was on for awhile. It was entertaining but I must admit I’m happy not to have to deal with Tickle on a regular basis.

ems, I called a neighbor friend who’s grass is still green to see just what her watering schedule was. Turns out it was over twice as long as mine. Being a geologist has made me extremely water-frugal.

104 Saturday, hard to keep anything looking good other than the red yucca.

I think that’s what my friend had–it was definitely in a mason jar. I have it on good authority that whatever flavor he got, it tasted like nail polish remover. :slight_smile:

Waiting for the cookies to cool down. Then I’ll have to test one or a half-dozen by eating them. :wink:

I almost thought it was a joke at first, didn’t think that was legal for some reason but hey, if they sell it I’ll give most anything a try once. I’ll stay away from the nail polish remover then and instead try the Thompson’s water seal or turpentine flavors.

I used to roughneck drilling rigs in East Texas a long, long time ago. Whenever we’d move locations these guys in gin trucks would load all our heavy equipment up and transport it for us. It was not unusual to see a milk jug of clear liquid in their cab and a few fellers taking a tug off it every once in awhile. A regular receipe for disaster that was.