This is the reason humans are going to go extinct

Only the people that shop at Walmart are going extinct.

**Muffins, **what’s so bad about having sex with the lights off at night?

Uhmmm … to encourage people to return the damned things to their little shelters? :dubious:

Doesn’t always work, though. Whether people can’t be bothered or they just forget about them, I can’t say.

As a former cart-wrangling employee during the hot summer time I never begrudged our customers for leaving their carts around. It was part of the reason I had a job, after all.

That being said, I almost always return a cart to the nearest corral because it is the civilized thing to do. And yes, I have even taken 15 seconds of my life to organize a few crooked ones blocking the entrance to the corral to fit them all in.

Greater likelihood of drunk or depressed people breeding with Walmartians when the lights are out, leading to propagation of Walmartians (as well as people who have had to chew their own arm off the next morning).

I would probably be LESS likely to return a cart with a minor deposit, rationalizing I was leaving it for someone less fortunate than myself, just like I never return my bottles with deposits.

Hmm, I would have thought a great likelihood of people with daytime jobs, a modicum of modesty, and a lack of room-darkening shades or heavy drapes, but we all have our odd little assumptions.

I’m with Drew, though I’ve never been a cart wrangler myself. Life’s way, way too short to sweat and get bent over shit like this. I will happily round up strays as I am returning mine. I will take yours back with a smile upon my face, even if you leave it in an awkward spot, like behind my car. I’ll even straighten out the garage a tad so others find it easy to stick to the program, and things don’t get all in a snarl.

Why? Why not? It’s a tiny little thing, that takes only a few seconds, and keeps people, such as most of y’all here, from getting all Grrrr! And having a frown on your faces.

Totally worth it. (Disclaimer: I am a Canadian)

We can tell.

I know most Walmarts have push-through cart corrals, but many places have dead-end ones where the collector guy has to push them out the way they came in.

I believe everyone could help out the cart collectors by placing their carts in the dead-end type corrals handle first, or backwards. That way the person pushing the carts to the store wouldn’t have to reverse the direction of his pushing, as the carts would already be properly oriented.:smiley:

I worked retail over the holidays, and this was oner thing that really pissed me off. I’d see people leave their cart at the end of the checkout lane and then walk right by the in-store cart corral. Or even worse, do it with the baskets. You’re going right by where you picked it up, but can’t return it? How lazy can a person be?

And in the parking lot, forget it. At least once a hour, the cart people would have to round them and bring them inside.

My local supermarket (which is in a very urban and walkable area with tons of apartment building around, but the store also has a parking lot) uses the magnetic wheel locks to prevent people from stealing the carts. This results in clusters of locked up carts at the edges of the property, which is frustrating when there’s no carts to be found to use.

I am always amused when you see someone wheeling their cart along to the edge of the parking lot, and it locks up and then they get all confused and shove it a few more times. They, usually, eventually give up and take their one small bag out and keep walking. It’s always them - folks who have more groceries to carry come prepared with a small ‘granny cart’ or something. My very favorite thing is when you come across a cart a block or two away from the supermarket… those things are impossible to push when the wheels are locked, so someone must have been VERY stubborn about wanting to use it before finally giving up.

I think the people who don’t put their carts away properly are showing their disregard for all other shoppers. I don’t actually know what goes on in the mind of someone who chooses to leave their cart in the parking lot rather than walking 10 feet to put it back - I suspect it is nothing at all; “Lalalalalala done with this cart, just walk away from it, get in car and drive home…lalalalalala.”

But aren’t we all Walmartians, somewhere deep down in our hearts?

See point above. :slight_smile:

I wish my local Superstore would do that - they have signs up saying the wheels lock, but they don’t, and every cart thief in the neighbourhood knows it. I take a cart or two back to the parking lot just about every time I go for a walk.

Don’t let the cops get you. :wink:

Heh - last time I was taking one back, cops drove right past me - I did kind of wonder about that. I know I’m taking them back, but no one else does. I wonder if there is some other method of getting all these carts off the street that doesn’t involve me risking jail time.

Around here, it doesn’t bother me when carts don’t get put back when there’s snow on the ground, just when it happens regularly. When snow is about, it’s a bit harder to do, and we aren’t used to snow, and it can be hard to maneuver the carts in. And all it takes is one guy to screw it up for everyone.

Then I remembered that Cat Whisperer is in Canada. Surely your Walmartians can handle snow!

No, I can tell by the URL I do not want to see that.

Nope, not opening it.

I like to line up my cart about 30 feet from the corral, and slam it in full speed. Makes a great clanging crash.

I like to crash a whole bunch of them into line and ram them all home - very cathartic.

Oh yes I totally agree. It’s the “that will teach the whole lot of ya!” feeling.