This is what we need!

More threads in the Pit blasting someone else. Not enough, I tell you! Not enough! I want to see THOUSANDS! MILLIONS!

“December you ignorant slut”

“warmgun, what the fuck is your damage?”

“I, Libertarian, never lie and I’m always right!”

(not necessarily a flame but…)
"troll alert: ignore bmerton "

And the Ginger Saga, too.
I won’t rest until everyone on these boards is flamed! That’s right! You heard me! An ambitious goal, but I think we can reach it. We will prevail!

[sup]Ok people, where’s the love? Why can’t we have happy praise threads instead? What I like about you threads? -sniffle- Can’t we make this Pit a sea of love instead? ::d & r::

Me first!! I hear you aren’t a real doper unless you get flamed…

or get into the [sub]elite doper clique[/sub]

Tell me it ain’t so Joe…

Fuck you, Searching For Truth.

Where’s the love? It’s not enough… it makes the world go round and round, OH YEAH!

::d&r faster::

-jaw drops and she slinks away-

Hey! SFT’s cool! Fuck you!



I was wondering when someone was going to mention the cliques. I almost started a mini-rant about them. Make sure you don’t offend/insult/flame one of them or they all jump on you. Like a swarm of fucking bees they are!

Yeah? Well, fuck all of you!

“I’d like to fuck you, and you, and you, and you over there in the blue shirt, and of course you!”

[sup]What’dya mean it’s not the same thing? It’s the same word, dammit![/sup]

And isn’t that cute? Little Dignan has a crush on Searching. It’s moments like these that make the pit worthwhile.


Hm, let’s make one of our own! An anti-clique newbie club!


Well…if you INSIST…[sub]I mean, er…uh…[/sub]

Ha, I’ll just get ARose and his bad-ass posse on his ass, and he’ll be on de ground so fast he won’t know wut hit 'em. Bring it. -roll eyes- Nah, really…I’m flattered.