This Just In...Fox News Channel is bunch of lying fucks

Ha! Nicely done.

Have you all seen the t-shirt worn by at least one of the protesters that said:

“I’m anti-antifa”

Some tweet posted that and then said, “Ok, now combine your terms…”

There’s a hidden assumption behind the label. It’s not as simple as “I am against Fascism”. To be logically sound, the phrase actually means “I am against Fascism, [and I have correctly identified what Fascism is]”. If you call yourself Anti-antifa, you don’t mean “I am against people who say they are against Fascism [and actually are against Fascism]”, they are saying “I am against people who say they are against Fascism [but the people they are against aren’t actually Fascists]”.

Now, in this case they are wrong, and the logic does work. But not all slogans are correct all the time. Simple math does not always work. With just a little more radicalization, one could easily imagine Antifa going after George Bush back in the day, or Biden these days. After all, moderate Democrats are actually far right compared to the rest of the world, according to a lot of people. Now, combine your terms.

Wow! Way to ruin the joke.

This, however is bullshit:

I mean, yes, I can imagine a lot of things. I could imagine you posting bullshit fear-mongering posts about antifa pretty easily, if fact.

There are many people who think that the Democrats are right wing. There are many people who think we need to forcefully crush the right wing. It’s not a huge stretch of the imagination to think that there is an intersection between these people even if there isn’t. We need to look at what people believe, rather than believe their slogans. If we did that, then we’d believe that North Korea is a democracy.

ETA: or that a large amount of people in America want to literally defund the police.

I can’t tell if this is some next-level parody that I’m missing or what. Hopefully this is some kind of whoosh.

I think Biden is in much more danger from right-wing crazies than antifa.

Not a whoosh but perhaps I got whooshed. I did not think you were joking, since there are a lot of people who do believe in the simple equation that Antifa is everyone who is against Fascism, with the implicit assumption that we can agree on what that is.

Biden is definitely in more danger from right-wing crazies than antifa, and also in more danger from right wing crazies than left wing ones, whether or not they consider themselves antifa.

The Democratic Party isn’t a right-wing party by any stretch of the imagination, and certainly not by American standards, but it’s true that they, like the Republican Party, have moved significantly to the right in the past few decades. Outside the US, they (we) would be a slightly right-of-center party.

This is undeniably true.

I remember Jimmy Carter. He was a conservative Democrat. We had Republicans in my state who were realistically to his left. Based on that, tell me that you think the current Democratic Party is not, on balance, right-of-center.

Those left-wing Republicans are long gone. The Republican party has moved so far right in the last 30 years that centrist Democrats look like socialists to them.

Hell, the most right wing Democrats are currently being painted as rabid marxist baby eating socialist communists.

I’ve always relied on bagpipe tapes. (I’m late replying, but we’ve had our electricity out.)

This is correct. While people will say they oppose Nazis or neo-Nazis, they will defend members of the Unite the Right, usually with bothsiderism. I am in a hobby group that has several Republicans, and right after Charlottesville the Fox and Breitbart gang was defending Trump and the Unite the Right types.

My friend John, a 94-year-old WWII veteran, growled, “I didn’t freeze my ass off in the Battle of the Bulge so fucking Nazis could march down the street.” Of course, they were horrified–these people weren’t Nazis–they were patriots, and standing up to BLM and those liberals who want to tear everything down, why, Trump was right, they were fine people. Nazism was historical movement in Germany in the '40s! It was so last century!

Of course, if it walks like a duck, or in this case, gooseteps like a Nazi…

I remember back when, if someone was saying that even Nazis deserved freedom of speech, it was one person speaking out because people both sides hated them.

Now the same argument nearly always seems to be people who want to pretend that Nazism is as acceptable as anti-Nazism, with freedom of speech being an excuse.

I personally think neo-Nazis (aka the alt-right) did this intentionally as part of their PR campaign. And the right wing went along with it because they started feeling they needed their votes.

Without being able to use Nazis as the evilest people, they started using Antifa instead, and making up so much about them.

I swear, if I ever meet any of these pukes, I will punch them in thorax.

# Sally Pipes: Biden’s health care plans – this is what Americans can expect from Democrats

What they can actually expect? A healthcare plan they may not like. More to the point, an ineffective HC plan that hurt the wallets or large donors to the Republican party.

But it will be an actual healthcare plan. Trump will submit his plan two weeks after he is impeached.

That would be this past Wednesday. He’s late again, I see.

Just in - the world’s most unsurprising article about Fox and their “informational malnourishment”.

Will this be the first journalist to get iced? Does he require a security detail now?

He committed the unforgivable sin for a Fox employee;

He told the truth.

Here’s the actual editorial.

Chris Stirewalt is not a good speller, throughout the article he persists in spelling “Republican” …A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N. For example, as in this sentence

“Americans gorge themselves daily on empty informational calories, indulging their sugar fixes of self-affirming half-truths and even outright lies”…say the man that used to work at the McDonalds of Information.

Seriously, this dude needs to stop with the both sides crap. Less than half of the American public refuses to believe the absolute truth that Joe Biden won the 2020 election and it wasn’t particularly close, those people are on one side only…and the Venn diagram of those people and “people who get their “informational calories” from Fox News” is pretty much a circle.

# Trump impeachment lawyer calls out Senate Dems, says ex-president has no chance of ‘fair and full trial’

You know, 'cause of all the evidence and stuff…