This Just In...Fox News Channel is bunch of lying fucks

# Tucker Carlson: The media wants you fixated on Marjorie Taylor Greene. You should ask why

Because she’s loud and obnoxious has has not stopped spewing crazy ass bullshit for weeks??

Murdoch never tried to make money from Fox News being a news channel. Why start now?

Huh? Did he do it out of the goodness of his heart? Can you provide a cite for this claim?

The operative word might be “news” channel.

Yeah, concur.

Ah, sorry I missed that.

“Voting software company Smartmatic on Thursday filed a $2.7 billion libel suit against Fox News, three Fox hosts, and the lawyers Rudy Giulani and Sidney Powell over what the firm said are knowingly false claims about former President Donald Trump’s election loss.” “Fox News hosts Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro are among the named defendants in the complaint.”

ICYMI, the filing (pdf)

So, here is a great example of how Foxnews (not opinion) if full of shit. Here’s an article today “Biden flying to Delaware despite CDC warnings to avoid travel”.

Now, one can say that this article is entirely factual. However, a few things. First, he is fully vaccinated. He’s wearing a mask. He’s not traveling on a commercial flight, which is what the CDC is talking about; pretty sure they didn’t mean Air Force One in their warnings. He’s not going there for a political rally to spread a deadly virus. Despite these obvious differences between this and his predecessor, I don’t recall a single article from Foxnews chastising Trump for plane travel.

Their news organization isn’t biased because they say crazy shit like their opinion organization does. Their biased because of reporting like this, which are pretty patently disingenuous and not news.

It doesn’t actually strike me as a bad article. But editors write the headlines, and this is just another in an endless series of horrible headlines.

My beloved SIL is a MAGAt. That headline would be all she would need to read before sharing it on Facebook as just another example of rank hypocrisy from the Socialist Chinese Bumbling Fool who isn’t actually our President anyway.

Fox knows their audience … and cynically manipulates the hell out of them, don’t they ?

Their audience wants to be cynically manipulated.

Otherwise, they’d have to think for themselves, and take responsibility for their actions.

I disagree. Why write the article at all? The first line of the article (not the title, the article itself) is:

“President Biden is expected to travel to Delaware this weekend, in what will be his first out-of-town trip since taking office, despite warnings from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to avoid travel.”

The first part of the sentence is true. The second part of the sentence is true. But the sentence itself is a lie. The CDC guidelines have absolutely nothing to do with what Biden is doing. And that’s the very premise of writing the article. So, the article itself is just a lie.

Holy shit, I thought you wrote that as a tongue in cheek thing.

Oh, they are good at that.

Here’s my favorite

Hundreds of thousands of people returned their absentee ballots on the same day as they were sent. That’s just not possible. Fraud!

Trump himself doubled down on that.

What is known as “early voting” is really in-person absentee voting. You go to the voting center, request your absentee ballot, fill it out and return it. All on the same day.

But the reason right-wing media loves this kind of lie is it can’t be refuted by a simple “That’s just not true”. Because, in a very technical sense, it is.

And their base, the Trumpublicans, are easily conned and not good at thinking. To them, the answer to any question is either Yes or No, and any shading or nuance is indicates dishonesty or weakness. That’s how they pull off the con.

The CDC doesn’t just discourage travel. They discourage non-essential travel without precautions. The body of the article is practically praising Biden as they outline how meticulous he and his administration is about being cautious and following guidelines.

If I said that Fred lives close to a school despite laws preventing pedophiles from living within proximity of a school, I’ve accused Fred of being a pedophile. I could be a weasel and pretend that I’m not lying because I’m saying two unrelated truths (Fred lives close to a school, pedophiles aren’t allowed to) but it’s clear what I’m saying. Parts of the article are accusing Biden of violating CDC guidelines when he isn’t.

I don’t care if they have legitimate journalists writing good articles that editors ruin, they’re still bad articles. If I bake a delicious chocolate cake and then someone puts frosting on it made from liver and tuna, that cake is ruined no matter how well I baked it.

This just in. Matt Gaetz is moron!

Lou Dobbs has been taken out by the Cancel Culture which has enveloped the Deep State (lawyers) within Fox News:

FOX also quickly backtracking its election claims. Maybe 2.7 billion bucks got their attention.

Definitely a real lawsuit, with real money involved.

Isn’t the Fox ‘clarification’ too little too late?