This....Rob Morrow person.....

I consider this a sort of beta Trump situation. Whenever someone says “Trump speaks his mind!”, I can come back with a “So does Robert Morrow. How’s that workin’ out for ya?”

Call it a cautionary tale.

Travis Co. Democrat who’s wondering how we could harness the energy of furious backpedaling

Here’s a sampler of some of his tweets:

“Hey, hey, LBJ, how many babies did you kill today?” “More than that slacker Whitman. Marine my ass.”

The psychosexual stuff runs deep:

I think he’s what Freud would call a serious cigar enthusiast. Too bad he’s so deep in the humidor he’s finding pre-ban Cohibas.

Sadly, Janine Turner would probably like this Rob Morrow better.

The Austin Chronicle did a pretty thorough piece on him.

Those would be Travis County Republicans, right?

The guy’s a history major from Princeton.

That’s one person that i’m not going to hold up to my students as an example of why you should major in history.

Wow, i know (a reasonable amount of) Spanish and i missed that! I was too caught up in the lameness of someone calling herself “debonair.”

I’m not entirely convinced, that considering the location, that there wasn’t a large proportion of… insincere voting from Democrats and students wanting to mess up the Republicans.

I don’t see the actual Travis County Republican base being such idiots that they’d knowingly vote this clown into office as the county chairman.

Read the comments section of any KXAN article. That should convince you.

I am sorry but I have to call out several Dopers here in this thread for reading comprehension.

Did not one of you actually read the article. Mr. Morrow and his stylish wife (see what I did there?) have a DAUGHTER named Tu. Not a son.

I dunno. Texas Republicans have become so used to voting for batshit crazy people like Cruz and Gohmert I think they’ve stopped checking for the actual manner of craziness their candidates display. I think that this guy is pure comedy gold.

They were confused by the song.

“The son it came out, Tu Morrow.”

Heh, I used to work with a woman who’s name was pronounced Tu, but she was Vietnamese, and it was spelled Thu.

Wow. Just, … wow. I take my hat off to you, running coach, as one would to a master.

Dude’s shirt is fabulous. Just sayin’.

He looks and sounds like the product of a long line of a brother-sister marriages. Is his campaign theme “Dueling Banjos”?

He looks like Will Ferrel dressed as a child for an SNL sketch.

Yeah, what’s up with that? I know I have a long and sad personal history with hot Republican women, but with her, Lynda Carter, and Heather Locklear, do they have to invade my fantasy life, too?

I’m still not convinced that this guy is for real.

Can you elaborate?

or “Lady Sniff”.