This Sign Not Yet In Use

Whilst being driven home today (on the M4 for UK readers), I passed a road sign that said:


That’s all it said. That’s a metaphysical conundrum if I ever saw one. A sign is used to inform the reader of something. This sign is clearly informing us of something - that it is not yet informing us of anything.

If this road sign isn’t some kind of gateway to a quantum space-time portal leading to the diabolical dimensions, I don’t know what is. Someone ought to be told.

I don’t think I ever saw one, but I always thought it would be cool to see one say:

The Space For This Sign Has Been Moved To New Location

Dude, seeing that sign would make my life complete.

No, scratch that. In order to fully complete my life, I’d need it to be right behind a sign that said “This statement is false”.

Then my life would be complete. I’d have to spontaneously combust, I think.

Yep, like “This space left intentionally blank.”

When I find that, if possible I add

“except for this message”
“and this one”
“and this one…”

Oh my god! I just saw a sign exactly like that yesterday, and I thought a bit freakish as well. Perhaps the two signs are connected by some sort of wormhole. Perhaps you could enter your sign (get your mind out of the gutter…thats not what I meant) and come out at my sign, or perhaps I could enter mine and come out yours! Very intriguing indeed…

I saw a book the other day.

“The GED for Dummies.”

Come ON.

What is the ‘GED’?

It should have read:[ul]THIS SIGN

General Educational Development(/Diploma). It’s roughly the equivalent of a High School diploma that you can obtain by passing a series of exams to demonstrate your knowledge and experience obtained outside of school.

maybe we’re getting messages from the Sigh Post in L.A. Story.

This is really amusing.

This statement is false.

So is the one below.

But the one above is true.

:: brain explodes ::

I’ve always liked the sign that says “Do Not Read This Sign”.

Then there’s “If you lived here, you’d be home now!”

and I always think, “but I don’t want to live on the freeway!”

I’ve always liked the sign that says “Do Not Read This Sign”.

Where is Martin Gardner when you need him?

My favorite, rather similar, is “Ignore This Sign.”

National Lampoon’s Big Book of True Facts showed a sign that solemnly announced, “On this site in 1892 nothing happened.”

And apparently, somewhere in England, there is a sign which reads “Do not throw stones at this sign.”

I’m sure I saw a photo of a sign in the middle of the desert that said “please do not shoot at this sign”.

(it did have bullet holes in it)

Unauthorized Personnel Only

If You Belong Here, Get Out Now
Disregard This Area

You Did Not See This