I had a customer drop off her PowerBook for service a few minutes ago, we got to talking, and it turns out that she’s a producer of “reality” TV shows (the bachelor, nanny 911 and a couple others), i very diplomatically held my tongue about my feelings of reality tv…
until she said “i hate reality TV, i mean i work in the industry and i hate the shows, i won’t watch them”
it stunned me, so i asked her “why are they so popular then?”
“it’s like a train wreck, you can’t help not watching, but you don’t want to admit to others that you watch them”
here’s where it got funnier, one of my cow-orkers absolutely loves reality drek, survivor, apprentice, all that stuff, so i had to get him talking to the customer…
“John, this is Nicole (names changed to protect the guilty), she’s a producer of reality shows”
they get to talking about the shows…
“John, ask her what she thinks of reality tv then…”
…he does so
“i hate it, it sucks, i only do it because it pays the bills and lets me travel the world, i prefer regular TV”
…he was stunned, after she left he remarked how she had great taste in computers, but horrible taste in TV, i countered that she had excellent taste in computers, yes, and she had excellent taste in TV