This week's Onion

Is it just me, or have we seen this man and his team before? I’m pretty sure there was a previous article about the foundation of the group. Hmm. Could this be being turned into a series?

Yes, I thought it sounded familiar, although I think if the first one had been as funny as this one I’d have remembered it better.

It’s brilliant; the euphemistic use of “…unstable”, the mysteriousness of the “Prometheus Dossier” , “…uncomfortably close to the truth”, the Bercelona “debacle”, “Project Yggdrasil” and Mr Rosewood’s surprising participation in it…

The last paragraph is hilarious; I hope it is a continuing series, but of course we won’t be hearing anything of them if they don’t make it another “Laramie.”

I’ll see it shortly, but I have to ask of the OP - are you a TMBG fan?

Hahahaha, I’m SO glad they’ve brought this theme back. The earlier article is one of my Onion favourites. Here’s hoping it becomes recurring (but not sucky recurring like T. Hermann Zweibel).


Who Onion needs to make a regular is Brian “Bri” Knoepke. His rad writing style makes me totally pumped up about Jesus.

Yeah, that article’s one of my all time favourites. I’d love to hear about how he feels on his 19th birthday, changing his 2 month old kid’s nappies.

As an Onion aside, did anyone find this news item to be a little more on the serious/snarky side than the funny side?

On another note, I love that, “GOP Reports Record Second-Quarter Profits.”

Gorgon Heap: Yes, my handle is a reference to ‘Weep Day’ by TMBG. Or rather, to the story behind the song, since IIRC he’s just called ‘Tambo’ in the song itself.

** Kantalooppi **: Weirdly enough, I discovered another Onion in-joke while rereading the article you linked to. Bri mentions that he’s had lustful thoughts about Becky Lundegaard; one of the principle characters in this sad story