This will help - I'm sure of it.

A lot of people are confused when they first encounter the letters YMMV after someone’s reply to their question.

To clarify; this abbreviation stands for ‘You Make Me Vomit’ - it’s a subtle way for people to appear to be civilly answering your question, but at the same time, expressing their disdain toward you.

Do you have any similarly useful tips (not necessarily acronym-related) to share?

It’s personal, but…

YFF = You funny fucker

It’s my replacement for “lol”.

This will help too: if your boss seems aloof and you’d like to warm up the relationship, take the first step toward intimacy by bestowing him/her with a quirky but endearing nickname - “Steve” could become “Stever,” for example.

One little letter could make all the difference in your employment.

If a party invite states PBAB, it stands for Please Be A Bastard.

ICHDP = I can has dope, pleez?

LOL stands for Loss of Life, as in your post was so stupid it has caused the death of some random person on the planet.

Never say FOAD* to the Unseen University Librarian.

  • = Freaky Orange Arms, Dude!

Well, TMI ( = “That’s Mildly Interesting”).

Here are some helpful suggestions for anyone wishing to participate in online discussions or debates:

  1. Writing in ALL CAPS is a good way to show people you’re serious and make them pay attention.

  2. When writing in opposition to something or someone, a good way to discredit them is to draw parallels between them and Hitler or the Nazis as soon as possible.

  3. It’s not necessary to back up your arguments with statistics, because these will just bore most people, but occasionally a few striking facts or figures can help you make your case. A useful source for such things is to pull them out of your ass.

Flowmax is used for the treatment of urinary problems associated with BPH. What most people don’t realize is that this, in fact, stands for Bad Pee Hole.

I’ve learned that PCMCIA stands for People Can’t Memorize Computer Industry Acronymns.

Which is true since I can’t remember what it actually stands for.

TLDR = Truly lively. Discussion requested.

Some people never get that SDMB stands for “So Dumb it’s Mind-Boggling.”

Sheesh! SDMB.

If you’re male, and planning to travel to London, visit Trafalgar Square and greet people in the traditional way - this consists of walking up to the largest man you can see, licking his right cheek and then saying “hello Susan!”. You’ll be accepted as if you were a native.

Mangetout I have just laughed at your OP for around five minutes straight. My colleagues are looking at me strangely.

Another the internet novice may not be aware of:

IMHO - abbreviation for “I am a ho”

I was always confused about the meaning of OP, until I was told in means offending person.

When you see a poster write “WTF!”, s/he is expressing a polite “why, thanks friend!” to the one who has provided an interesting or valuble insight in a previous post.

ROTFL stands for Rip Out That Fuckers Lungs.

BTW stands for Big Token Whiteguy.


TTYL = “Thanks to you, love”. It’s a way of expressing gratefully flirtacious intent without seeming too serious.

Oh, and troll always confuses people too. It’s actually an acronym that stands for “Totally right opinions leave last” It’s a roundabout way of saying that truth prevails in the end.

You never know who you are discoursing with in the anonymity of cyberspace, but some useful ways to start a net conversation with such things as

IANAL = I am not a lemur.
IANAD = I am not a dog.