This winter sucks and it won't quit

The city plowed the streets today depositing about 3 feet of hard snow and chunks in my driveway. It is always a mixed blessing. I live in a corner house ,so i have more sidewalk, more street and therefore more snow to mash up my driveway. It was more like weightlifting than shoveling. I quit lifting ten years ago .I do want the streets drivable but why does it all go into my driveway.
It could be worse. My son went to college in Buffalo, NY. They get a LOT of snow. I wonder if they had an unusually bad year? A lot of the bad eastern seacoast storms were churned up in the south and pathed below us. (how do you like that verb)

Earlier this month the temperature was hovering around 0C and I finally said fuck it, I’m wearing a bunnyhug. It was awesome! No bulky winter jacket.

Then it went back to -37C. Le sigh. The weather usually doesn’t start fucking with us like that until March. We’re still due for another blizzard or two. I’m so ready for the thaw though.

That’s what the weather here has been doing to me for the last month, too - I work three days a week, so the morning I go back to work, the weather changes to cold and snowing so I have a miserable drive in. Every frickin’ week. Then back to nice once I’m done work for the week again.

Hey, quit whining and stop burning fossil fuels-you are to blame for this, ya know.
Al Gore says so (the guy who owns several 12,000 sq. ft. houses, and a fleet of SUVs).:mad:

If you need any subject to be reduced to its most asinine, simplistic, and ignorant factors, you can always rely on ralph124c.

There are a series of storms headed our way. The first one comes tonight. The blurb on the TV says tune in the news to find out how much. In the time it took to say that, he could have told us how much snow is coming and when.

But then you wouldn’t watch the news to find out. :wink: They do the same thing here…generally, if there is a storm coming they give a ton of teasers before and during the news until they finally trot out the weather guy (who, on Channel 4 here is an idiot IMHO) who still keeps from saying anything substantial until the end of his report. And then his predictions are invariably wrong (not that this is his fault, necessarily…the weather here is really odd and very changeable).


A corollary to Godwin’s Law - maybe call it Ralph’s Rule - In a thread about weather, the first poster to invoke Al Gore’s name loses the argument (if there is one) and if not, gets pelted with soft, wet, sticky things - used kleenex, the pickles from a fast food hamburger, geoduck, etc.

I immediately thought of Pokemon and then thought that Porygon would be so much more satisfying with all the sharp edges…

I blame Easter for being so late (the 2nd latest possible date, April 24th) - the weather’s just cooperating with (or waiting for) the Easter Bunny.

Mods-I protest! I’m not here to be made sport of!:mad:

Any day now Ralph will start a thread explaining how the “Emails between scientists collaboration on fudging data were wrong. The results of the investigation into the emails says” nothing in the 1000 or so emails conflicted with the consensus that global warming is occurring and that it is caused by human activity."
Then he will issue an apology .

The city redid the streets since we got about 2 inches more snow last night.It is warm, so I got to shovel a half ton of slush out of my driveway.

Hey, douchebag, if you want to bring your ignorant drivel to the Pit, don’t be surprised when you get called on it.

If you don’t want to be “made sport of,” stick to GQ, where your stupidity gets to pass unremarked.

I believe you are mistaken. :slight_smile:

WTF. Three inches of wet heavy snow last night. It never ends.

I wish you could send it here. It’s really drying out right now, and we have some high winds expected over the weekend…which means we have some serious fire hazards going on.


A fire would surely fizzle here. It is wet.
These layers of snow portend a mess when it finally ends. I have 2 beagles pooping in the yard every day. Then it gets covered in a layer of snow. When it finally breaks ,I will have a ton of dog poop and toys to clean up. That is a miserable job.

I havent seen as much snow as we have now IN MANY YEARS!!!

It is insane how much snow there is (We are in another big storm this very moment!!)

It’s 72 here… How I don’t miss NY :slight_smile:

I’m going to bookmark this thread so I can link it to the upcoming all the snow is melting and the streets are flooding thread. :frowning: :frowning: That should be coming around sometime next week.