This woman won't be winning any "Mother of the Year" awards

It’s hard to muster anything but disgust for this woman’s actions.

Horror, sorrow and pity yes. Disgust? No. I think it likely that she suffered from post partum depression and psychosis. Her actions are in no way understandable; they are insane. I can’t believe she understood what she was doing. I don’t think this was an action done out of anger or any other emotion that is human. I think it is the action of someone not in touch with reality.

I am disgusted by the radio stations that try to play this up like a crime the policy uncovered. She called 911 and calmly told them what she had done. No mystery, no one hiding what they had done. Yet, the radio goes on about how the policy became suspicious when they questioned her.

This is a horrifying event. The disgust lies in in becoming the latest media circus.

I’m going to go home now and hug Loren some more.

What lee said.

I read this in the newspaper last night, and was wondering when it would get airplay here on the board. Seems I didn’t have to wait too long. :rolleyes:

It’s just a sad, sad thing to have happened. May all of the family, mum included, find some peace somehow.

What is it with Texas and post partum depression moms who lose it?

This is the third mom in, what five years, to kill her child. Yates, the lady from Dallas area, and now just outside of Dallas in Plano.

Well, it’s horrific, and it’s awful, and it’s disturbing, and it’s shocking, but that doesn’t automatically mean she was insane. The test for ‘insane’ isn’t ‘no sane person could possibly do something like this.’

Shit, Jeffrey Dahmer was found sane.

I believe it was found that she suffered from post-partum depression and had a psychotic break. If so, then yes, she was insane.

And the legal definition of insanity is much different from the medical diagnosis. Dahmer was judged as “fit to stand trial”, in that he could differentiate between right and wrong, but from what I gather, he was diagnosed as a psychopath.

Insanity, so far as I know, does not have a medical definition. It’ll be up to a jury to judge whether this woman, post-partum psychosis or not, is sane.

Geez, you’re splitting those pedantic hairs a bit catsix. :rolleyes:

Whether she is found ‘legally’ insane or not does not detract from the seriousness of a psychotic meltdown. And someone in the midst of a breakdown can hardly be said to be ‘sane’ in the non-legal sense of the word, wouldn’t you think?

She didn’t call 911. The day care called 911 after the husband asked them to check on the mother and child. The police/fire department called the mom and she told them what she did.

Whoops. That last comment was by me, not Legolamb. Darn this sharing computer thing.

Why did the husband ask the daycare to do it? Was the baby supposed to be there, and when he found out the baby wasn’t there, did he then ask the daycare to check on her? I’ve read a couple of stories on this, but this detail escapes me.

Don’t forget the one from Tyler, IIRC the town.

Good Christ! I have a newborn son, and nothing, NOTHING, could call me from his side or make me hurt him. Even if Ginger somehow went crazy, I’d kill her over him if it came to that, in spite of the fact that I love her with all my being. This is not just madness, it’s somethng beyond that. FUCK!..Just FUCK! How could you don that to your child?

Shit. I hate humanity.

I feel great pity for the mother, not disgust.

It probably takes a fucked up person to cut their kid’s arms off, but there’s no reason to start calling her insane now and potentially prejudice the jury pool into a ‘she was crazy so she’s gettin off’ verdict. She may be very fucked up and still have understood the illegality of what she was doing, and if that’s the case, I hope her ass sits in jail for a long, long time.

Obviously Texas has inadequate mental health support services. Gee, whodathunkit?

Compassionate conservatism in action.

Yeah, that part confuses me. It sounded like - from what I’d read - he had taken the kids to daycare, but maybe I misunderstood it. If I were a parent concerned about my spouse and kid enough to get the police involved, I’d make the call myself regardless of what was going on.

I’m hoping she really was out-of-her-mind insane at the time, because I have a hard enough time thinking of an insane mother doing that to her child, much less a sane one.

I heard the 911 tape and it was chilling. The mother calmy saying she had cut off her child’s arms and the 911 operator trying really hard to remain calm and not totally lose it. shudder It made me physically ill.

I too, am curious why the husband asked the day care to check on the mother and baby and if more was done to follow up on her post-partum depression other than the episode when the baby was only 6 days old.

The family had been under the supervision of Child Protective Services from the first incident until August, at which point CPS concluded she was not a danger to the children. However, it appears that sometime after August, she went off her meds. We all know what happened after that.

I agree. I think it’s the ignorant attitude toward mental illness in this country that allows things like this to happen. Maybe if this woman would have received proper care in the first place this wouldn’t have happened. But no, it’s a lot easier to slash medical services and then blame the mother, who as far as I’m concerned is a victim too. This woman should have never been left alone with the child, at least without a neighbor checking in on her every hour or so. The father should have realized that.

It’s just a terrible situation all around.