Thomas Kinkade and Law & Order: CI? ...heh

Damn…If he’s watching, Mr Thomas Kinkade has got to be FUMING about this episode…

Key bad guy is a “painter” by the name of “Wallace Kanter (sp?)” Like Kinkade…All the way through the episode, various characters are slamming the artwork which looks quite like the “light filled” sludge excreted out of Kinkaid.

Anyone else having a hoot over the obvious slams against Kinkade?

I’m watching it now. Hee!

So is Jamey Sheridan really leaving the show?

VeryCoolSpouse is an artist. She sneered as soon as the first painting showed on screen. Then Mike Logan says “So, do you, like, sell to Motels and stuff?”

We were laughing so hard the tears were flowing. :slight_smile:

Hee hee hee.

I’m so sorry I missed that one. They always seem to go after the perverts (and we’re really very nice) and not paying enough attention to the true evil. Like bad painters.
As a pervert and an artist (on my good days) I know what good art is. And Kinkade isn’t it. Awful. probably not a murderer. Unless you can murder art…he’s done his best.

So not the death penalty…just stop him from painting!!!

“Put down the brush and step back from the canvas!” “No one will get hurt!” :smiley:

He’s fuming all the way to the bank. His stuff is pedestrian but he’s made a fortune. Any publicity is good publicity.

That’s what I’m wondering. I hope not - I like him.

Another pervert/real artist here. Sorry I missed this ep. Whenever I see anything by Kinkade, I momentarily support the death penalty.

Gosh … and I had FINALLY stopped thinking of Jamey Sheridan as Randall Flagg from The Stand, too!