Is there a proper term for those tall, tube-like balloons that are attached to a high-powered fan on the ground, and are usually in the shape of a person? Conan O’Brien had one made in his image recently, dancing around willy-nilly at the entrance of Rockefeller Center.
Not to hijack, but those things give the willies, for some reason. Ban 'em, an 'em all, I say.
There’s a used car place near me that often puts a couple of them out the front - right by the road -on the approach to a busy and fast-moving roundabout junction. They actually make contact with passing cars when they flop over in the direction of the road.
I guess the owners are trying to get people to smash up their existing cars so they’ll need new ones.
Or Intergalactic Proton Powered Electrical Tentacled Advertising Droids, depending on which galaxy one is in.