Those bitch-ass cunts on the day shift

I hate the day shift ICU folks at work, I really do. They’re a pack of lazy, lying-ass twats, and being fucked up the ass with a sharp stick that’s been dipped in pepper sauce is far too good for them. Did I mention that I hate them?

My poor supervisor couldn’t even get in the door this afternoon for them ganging up on her to bitch about the ER staff. Now, I got no problem with someone bitching about me. You wanna comlain that I sprayed your ass with rubbing alcohol and gave you a chill, or that I yelled “I see London, I see Asscrackistan” when you bent over and showed thong, or that I cuss too much, or that I’m frequently gassy, you just go right the fuck ahead. I don’t give a rat’s ass, cause all that and then some is the absolute fucking truth.

But what these monkeypox-infested whores are saying is nothing but complete and total horseshit. The actual ICU techs are claiming we stand around with our thumbs up our asses after clocking in instead of getting on with the treatments due at that hour, and that one of them has had to stay half an hour late two days in a row just to get treatments done. That goldbricking slut who’s supposed to be our kennel worker is claiming that yesterday, she personally counted five ER techs standing around laughing and talking and not doing anything while the daytime folks tried to get treatments done so they could go home.

It’s horseshit. Complete, total, made-up-out-of-whole-cloth horseshit. Nothing but a goddam bald-faced lie. On Monday, we had 5:00 treatments bashed out by five minutes after the hour, and as far as I knew all the day people had scurried out of there like the cockroaches they are. Yes, all of the ER techs were standing around laughing and talking and carrying on while we waited for the emergencies to start rolling in. We had all the treatments done, everything cleaned up, and no cases to see, so why the fuck shouldn’t we enjoy the calm before the storm? Yes, that one daytime person was there till 5:30 or so, but I don’t know what the fuck she was doing, because her fat ass sure as shit wasn’t in the ICU. I know my vision’s not the greatest, but there’s no way in hell I wouldn’t have seen something that huge.

And that goat-felching kennel chick…there weren’t even five ER employees in the building when her tall-grass-laying-back butt left yesterday, and the timecards prove it. For the love of all that’s holy, if you’re going to tell a lie, at least tell one where you’re not absolutely certain to get caught, you fucking moron. She’s very nearly as stupid as she is lazy. No, I take that back. You’d have to be anacephalic to be nearly as stupid as she is lazy.

And this isn’t the first time that ICU tech has told a flat-out lie about the ER staff. Last time, she was saying that the people due to come in at 5 were always late, making her stay late to round, making her late to pick up her kid at daycare, and costing her a ton of money. Except none of us knew she was supposed to be rounding with us, because the emergency tech who came on at 4 always did it. That fat little fuck is on my list.

I spend half my fucking shift cleaning up after these cum-dumpsters, because they can’t clean a cage, or do a load of laundry (even though that’s the one chick’s entire fucking job, to clean the goddam cages and the Pope-humping laundry), or put anything away, or throw out half-empty ice-cold cups of coffee, or sweep or mop or anything the fuck else useful. And they’re going to tell my boss I’m lazy and useless. Oh no, my little ass-nuggets, I don’t fucking think so. I’m all for legitimate complaints, but you start lying about me and the shit be on.

You probably are already doing these things, but just in case, here’s what I’d do. Start taking documents about what you do each day, make an entry for each thing. (Especially include when you do that person’s job duties, every single bit of them.) Write down on the charts what you did and when, etc. Wrap your ass in paper, and then point and laugh as they are hung out to dry with no support. (Though maybe point and laugh where your boss can’t see.) Good luck.

I think you’d have a pretty fuckin’ good rant if I knew just what in the holy blue hell you were jabbering about.

Tone down the creative swearing and tell me what the fuck your problem is.


CrazyCatLady works in a vet’s office. I believe she’s a veterinary nurse, and her husband is a veterinarian IIRC. She’s complaining about people whose job rank is equivalent to orderly or janitor saying they are having to do her work, when the reverse is true.

Pardon, I was somewhat mistaken. (Brian fart, I mis-posted.) CCL works in an emergency veterinary hospital, thus the ICU and ER references. She helps treat emergency cases in the ER, and sees to it that the patients are getting better.

A vet’s office? Thank heaven. I thought “kennels” and “cages” was medical shorthand for beds and MRI machines.

Carry on.

CrazyCatLady, first of all, thank you for your hard work. You do a tough job.

Secondly, women are bitches. Especially in the workplace. I’m in a male dominated field, and it really cuts down on the cattiness. But from time to time there’s always some bitch running her mouth and pointing fingers.

Hang in there. Know you do your job and do it well. Vent here as much as you need to. :smiley:

Just a nitpick here. DoctorJ is an honest-to-Og MD, not a vet.

Sorry DoctorJ and CCL, I thought you both had the same kinds of patients. I did recall that he was a doctor, but must have misfiled what his patients were. My mistake, I’ll file the facts away better this time. blush

May I use “I see London, I see Asscrackistan”?

Tell me which clinic is yours, and if my c at ever needs emergency treatment I’ll bring him there. I’ll call you ahead of time and warn you to get the hell out of the building before he demolishes it in his fury. That’ll teach those bitch-ass cunts. :slight_smile:

Ummmm - could someone explain to me what this means? I really wanna be struck by the image, but all I’m getting is confused. . .

Sympathies to the OP, BTW. Nothing more stressful for the workplace than having to put up with horseshit like that from spiteful cumrags.

[heavy sarcasm]
Allthough, in keeping with the tone of the boards these days I have to point out that it’s all your fault that you’re stressed. It’s your choice that put you in that situation. You should just deal with it. [/heavy sarcasm] :wink:




I’m sorry, but this is some funny shit. I just spit Coke all over my laptop screan at the Asscrackistan comment.

I agree with keeping track of what THEY do. Might as well combat their accusations with your own proof. What assholes.


My problem, which I think is pretty goddam obvious from my OP, is that the people who work the shift before mine lying to my supervisor, saying that I habitually stand around with my thumb up my ass when there’s work to be done, and they have to stay late to pick up my slack, when in point of actual fact they work they were supposed to have done throughout the day is left for me and my colleagues to do and they vanish at the stroke of five. My further problem is that this is not the first time one of these bitches has made such false accusations, and I absolutely cannot abide a goddam liar. That is what my problem is.

Caricci, you’re more than welcome to use it, dear. I have to warn you, though, it only works on people who have some sense of shame. I had to learn this the hard way with one of the interns. (Yes, I said that to a doctor, and I’m not the least bit sorry. I’ve seen her ass more than I have my husband’s.) Just as a general FYI, if you ever get a job where you have to wear scrubs, suck it up and by some underpants with a seat, wear your waistband high and too tight to slide down, or learn to squat instead of bending over. Really.

Misery, have you ever heard the term “laying back in the tall grass”? If not, it means to slack off, which, near as I can tell, is pretty much all this kennel chick does because lord knows she’s not doing the laundry or cleaning cages after animals go home.

That is some crazy shit, CCL. I hate it when the Fuckos turn out be the Fuckers and you become the Fuckee.
You’re only in this position because you didn’t have the lack of decency to rat out their sorry asses first and get the jump on them.
Hope your supervisor is sympathetic to you and can see through the complaining sorry-ass bitch-hoes with their thongs riding up their crotches, parting their cunt flaps like the Red Sea.
In the end, your work performance will count more than what some shit-scraping cat-feltching delinquent co-worker has to say about you. You would think anyway.
Feel better?

Do you kiss your goat with that mouth?

Great rant!

Great Gawdamighty!


You really should get that treated.

What’s that smell?