Does anyone remember the Christian fundamentalist family that made headlines a few years ago when the parents taught the children (a boy and a girl, IIRC) to preach loudly on the playground of their school, calling passersby names like “whoremonger”? I was just remembering an interview with them, and for the life of me, I can’t remember their names. An initial Google search did not turn anything up.
What ever happened to those kids once they grew up?
I can’t tell you anything about what happened to these kids, but I did manage to find a mention of them on one website. Here’s one of the original news stories about them:
> MARION, NC — Three children suspended repeatedly last
> spring from their elementary school for preaching against
> whoremongers'' and fornicators’’ will ``scream the
Scripture’’ again today, their mother said. On their way
into the Eastfield Elementary School, the three children–
Duffey, 11, Matthew, 6, and Pepper, 7–will alternate
shouting Bible verses, the style of street-preaching they
learned from their father, Robin Strode said. School
officials say they ``sincerely dread’’ today’s school
> opening because of the Strode family and the children’s
> preaching.
I haven’t sen an update on these kids, but I’ll bet you all dollars to donuts that when we do find it the story will include the words “estranged,” “therapist” and “abuse.”
Matthew and Pepper Strode are involved in amateur boxing. Pepper is the 4th ranked bantamweight women’s amateur boxer in america. I could not find any information about Duffey.
I tried doing a search on “Duffey Strode” and couldn’t find anything current. That kid would be 24 years old now, if the ages given in Wendell’s article are correct. I wonder if he’s still all fundie, or if he’s rebelled?
Interesting that little Pepper is now kicking ass in boxing. it’s a strange world we live in.
I passed by this thread the other day, but I came back after several followers of O’sama the Irish terrierist have been quoted as calling USA Christians WARmongers. No connection, apparently. What a twisted childhood those Spodes had! So sad.