Those things that stop your car are not BREAKS, you moron!

I’ve seen a few people online mis-refer to their car brakes as “breaks” over the years. All of a sudden, this error is everywhere, including at the SDMB!

Cut it out, morons! If you need a “break job”, I would be happy to do the honors with a baseball bat!

Don’t loose your temper so easily.

I really don’t understand a lot of common misspellings and incorrect usages. If I had a nickel for every incorrect “your” I’d be fucking set.

Do people not read? Anything? It’s how I picked up the right way to spell common words. I’m not perfect but come on. Even if you read signs while you drive but never books or anything, you should see plenty of car repair places advertising BRAKES that you think you’d pick it up eventually.

Yesterday we saw an example of a sheriff who had used his “breaks”. He broke several trees and shredded some bushes as he crossed the median at what must have been a fairly high rate of speed. He also broke the windshield of his cruiser into a lot of fragments that were luckily clinging together. Since he was obviously okay it was fairly amusing. It was also fun to speculate how he might explain his bad “breaks” to his commanding occifer.

Their just mistakes. Don’t let it affect you to much… its going too addle you’re brain. :stuck_out_tongue:

(And yes, seriously, I totally agree with you. It sets my teeth on edge; that and lose/loose. As one who all too often has to go back and edit for your/you’re and their/there/they’re, I can’t get too worked up about those, though :o)

Don’t you mean effect?

What happens when your brakes break? On the way to the brake shop ,you are driving breaks. (at least brokens)

I don’t see this problem to often. I think its a thing of the passed.

Braking news!

The brakes/breaks typo makes me all stabby, too.

Note that there are no deliberate typos in this post.

D’oh! :smack: :smiley:

You’re such a Spoilsport :stuck_out_tongue:

That is, I mean, “Your such a Spoilsport” :wink:

Since when does reading have anything to do with knowing or caring how words are spelled? I don’t look at letters when I read. I look at words. Clusters of them. Just like most people who can read without sounding out each word aloud as they struggle through a sentence. If anyone wants to feel all big and smart every time he or she notices someone else’s misspelling, go for it. Me? I’ve got better things to do. If I need to make sure something is mistake-free, that’s what our editors get paid (poorly) to do.

Gotta run. More drug candidates to isolate.

Eye thank you bean woo-shed.

your sew rite

Nah, she’s right, I missed the misspelling :smack: “Affect” is actually the correct spelling of verb, which I (quite obviously) put in by mistake… :smiley:

I think you mean a Sheriff’s deputy. Sheriffs don’t have commanding officers.

We know. Somebody linked to your thread about this already. :smiley:

I would of been very unhappy if I’d seen someone use this misspelling today.

But it’s not spelling. It’s the wrong word! It’s the same thing I said in my other thread. It’s the wrong word, and that means something.

Thats rediculous.

Just wanted to give you the opportunity to add one more misteak.