I liked it.
Busey was hilarious, but the other guy annoyed the heck out of me. He was trying way too hard to be funny, when the right role for him would have been straight man to Busey’s wildness. The bits when he would stand back and let Busey go were pretty funny.
Oh, and his snarky little references (“He doth protest too much,” the “ca-CAW” from Bottle Rocket) have got to stop.
But I’ll probably give it another chance or two to see if I warm up to it; Busey himself is sort of hypnotic; “I like to eat in the dark.”
My thoughts exactly.
I liked Busey himself a lot…but what jackelope said: the other guy’s a complete twit. He was trying way too hard to be amusing and likeable, which of course had the exact opposite effect. Expecially with the cut away to the “English to Crazy Dictonary” Comment. What a goon!
I’ll watch again though. In time, I might find it amusing watching the other guy being unamusing as well. Or else I’ll just tune him out completely and watch just for Busey himself.
The “other guy” is Adam De La Pena, a writer from The Man Show. He turned up on Jimmy Kimmel’s talk show to plug this, he was annoying then too. Which probably explains most of his career up to this point.
I couldn’t quite get into it, but I might give it another shot or two, there is a kind of twisted charm about Gary Busey. Not quite the fascination of watching a trainwreck, but in the same vein. Is Busey supposed to be acting? Being “himself”? Back on drugs? Losing his grip on reality? Becoming some kind of philosopher/sage/cult leader/ town character? Headed for Marlon Brando, Christopher Jones, and Klaus Kinski “looney actor” territory?