Okay, I started a thread recently, something I seldom do. Two individuals have decided to largely use it to insult each other in that message-board way–you know, the kind you wouldn’t use in real life because someone could hit you and you would probably deserve it.
some threads veer off into different directions, they evolve naturally. I don’t really consider this to be hijacking. But if I were running a board, I think I would have a rule that says that you can’t start swearing at people, questioning their ancestry, and other vile insults within the context of a thread on some other subject. It is, frankly, one of the more tiresome and infantile activities on the board.
For those who do this, have you no concept of being the same person on-line as you are in real life? I’m speaking of using real arguments, of showing some civility, of not immediately assuming a personal attack. If you really must insult each other, send each other e-mails, but
I for one think Bucky is a fine, upstanding SDMB netizen with a lot to add to most discussions, even if his parents were syphilitic chimpanzees and he has a club foot.
Well Bucky, I don’t say anything on here that I wouldn’t say to someone face to face.
However, I apologize if Mindpuker and I hijacked “your” thread.
I promise to never ever hijack one of your threads again.
Phil’s a pretty good guy, too. I just think he’s a bit off-center since he’s saving Satan’s hair from his shower. His wife said something about Phil making a hat from it, so you can see what I mean by “odd.”
Oooh, Mister “It Pays to Increase Your Word Power”, Mister “I Went To College and You Didn’t”, Mister “I know lots of big words like devolve AND I can use them in a sentence”, Mister–wait, what’s the thread topic again? Oh, yeah, thread hijacks and name-calling…