Pre-emptive apology in case topic has already been discussed. Disclaimer that poster is new and archive search revealed nothing.
Short anecdote involving poster. Assertion made by poster. Refutation of assertion made by poster’s friend or relative and counter-assertion in anecdote.
Elaboration on assertion based on poster’s empirical observations, conditioned upon disclaimer of poster’s lack of extensive experience in subject area. Extrapolation from empirical observations to proof of universal truth. Re-characterization of extrapolated truth as merely possible truth, and perhaps even likely truth. Citation to absence of empirical observations supporting counter-assertion by friend or relative.
Gratuitous compliment regarding collective knowledge of other posters as a whole. Smiley. Query as to knowledge of other posters regarding validity of universal truth. Solicitation of relevant experiences. Inquiry as to existence of evidence bolstering refutation of counter-assertion.
Hyperbole regarding importance to poster of ascertainment of validity of universal truth. Expression of gratitude. Smiley. Illusory promise of benefit to be conferred on other posters if validity of universal truth is established.
Sarcastic remark belittling previous post. Smiley, indicating poster is only kidding.
Short anecdote related to original anecdote. Explanation of what poster did in similar situation. Poster absolves himself of responsibility if in any way affecting original poster’s actions by stating this may not be applicable in original poster’s situation.
mindless pointless interjection by attention seeking bait trailing misfit poster.
hopeless challenge to unknown posters by modified other version of self poster in support of own interjection to seek unvalidated emotionaly triggered responses.
Hastily tossed together heart-felt apology to Eve.
::Stage direction like comment describing how Mr Thin Skin is acting like a
dog-with-its-tail-between-its-legs-because-eve-beat-it-with-her-pince=nez, hence her arched eyebrows::
Effusive thanks expressed to posters by name for on-topic responses. Genuine response given to misunderstood sarcastic remark by earlier off-topic poster.
Amplification of original anecdote, including new and somewhat contradictory details. Recitation of related anecdote occurring to a friend vacationing in foreign country, although resolution of that situation is patently inapplicable here.
Mention of web search involving initial question. Mis-coded link to tangentally related web page. Incomprehensible non-sequitur involving waffles.
Renewed entreaty for guidance from posters with first-hand knowledge. Smiley. Reference that answer to question is now necessary to settle wager with friend or relative.
Indication of afterthought, and additional query on thoroughly unrelated issue.
Wildly off-topic joke supposedly related to “thoroughly unrelated issue” of Nurlman (conttanig misspelling that I noticed right after hitting “Submit reply”).