Threads you've ALMOST started?

I get ideas for threads a lot. I find that I get them when something notable in some way happens, and there’s no one around to tell about it, and I think, “Boy, I’d like to share this with someone.” However, I rarely actually start the threads; I forget about them, or decide they’re too mundane or pointless or personal or context-specific or whatever, and wouldn’t make interesting threads. However, a thread of threads we’ve almost started might be interesting, plus it might lead to some interesting actual threads.

So, some of mine follow (links go to Google; I just thought they would look better as links):

Unexpected moments of beauty

The ‘Toot your own horn’ thread

Disgusting stories of bachelor-housekeeping

Why is my dog doing THIS?

You can get rid of pop-up ads! (No, I’m not selling anything)
(Note: This link actually does go to a site that lets you disable most pop-up ads; the URL looks suspect, but it’s legit.)

So what were those threads that didn’t quite get past your bullshit detector? - Can’t we, as a people, make this site just disappear?

The evil SUV and why I think your capitalist fat cat ass shouldn’t have one…

…But then I remeber I owned a full sized bronco not two years ago:eek: :smack: :smack: :eek: :eek:

You can still make them look like links with color and underline:

Great Debates

Does expunging religious symbols from public property constitute advocacy of atheism?


Serial Game


How do you cut your meat?

The Pit

Dalmuti, kiss my red ass


What sorts of things are discussed in the private moderators’ forum?

Ooh! Can I play?

I almost started a thread entitled Reasons why I think jackelope is cool…, but decided against it. yes, it’s up to the reader to determine whether the non-posting of this potential thread was because of lack of material, or my own natural restraint / reserve :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Seriously though, these are some of the threads I’ve almost started (or something similar to them):

How do you handle public displays of affection?

I’m no good at this…

Borrowing books at the library…

How do I learn to take things less personally?

Help! I think I may have lost a friend; how to reconnect with her?

(I can’t do the forum-by-forum thing that Libertarian did, though… oh well)

Now, as for threads I actually did start that I regretted later… man, that would be a whole other thread. Certainly I can think of some right off the top of my head.


I almost started my first pit thread over how p*ssed off I am that I don’t have anything good to rant about.

Didn’t figure that one would go over too well

I was once very close to starting a thread wonering if male dopers take bubble baths,but I thought against it.

Many’s the time I fought back the urge to share a tidbit of my life, because in the grand scheme of things, I know most of you don’t care about my piddly existence. Plus I couldn’t figure out a punchline. So I’ve held myself back.

You’re welcome.


What is the freaking problem with you New Yorkers?

Seriously. All day long I deal with internal & external customers up & down the eastern seaboard but I’ve never been hung up on, cursed out, and threatened so much as when I have to deal with a Manhattanite. I’d never start this thread because it would have to go in the BBQ Pit.

I swear that I was going to put a thread in GQ asking if blondes would become extinct, because the gene for it is recessive, about a month before the big hoo-ha about it started.

That would have been so cool if I had done it. Everyone would have thought that I was responsible for the newspaper stories, and excitement.

Oh well.

Attrayant, I’d love to start the same thread, but about people from Toronto. Urg.

I wanted to make a “funniest line from a movie” thread, but I could never think of one to start with.

These, from my Thanksgiving:

Captain Rocko and his encounter with the biker gang, the Bandidos

Captain Rocko and Pepsi, the Wonderfly who found us at a Love’s gas station and stayed with us a 100 miles, until my mom tried to kill it and he flew away. We think he found his way to the Bandidos now.

Captain Rocko and his Grandpa, the fork nazi

Captain Rocko and the Story of the time his noble pooch sidekick, T-Rex Superman, went into heat. And the hilarity that followed. It was a comedy of errors.
What a trip.

*I am Captain Rocko. But have not reach a conclusion over Username changing.

Ouch. I killed the thread.

But I have more to add:

Wherein Captain Rocko learns the real meaning to Fisting

Wherein Captain Rocko learns what it really means to ‘take a dump’ on someone’s stomach

Captain Rocko! That’s not how you’re supposed to use that!

Captain Rocko and his ponderings on Sex Ed class



How about from Blazing Saddles “Where all the white women at?”

from Dumb and Dumber “John Denver was full of shit!”

from Young Frankenstein “Werewolf? Where wolf? There wolf. There castle.”

Go to this site for more.
I want to start a thread about matching your socks to your ties.

Ask the Chick With Dreadlocks

I’m so scared it would either drop like a rock with no replies, or it would end in Pit battles over proper lock maintenance.

No offence, Super Gnat, but I think it would be the former. But who knows.

Actually, the responces might be neat. I say go with it.

My cat scared the pants off me and I almost started a thread called ‘my cat fell off the fridge!!!’ …but that’s all I had to say.

An airborne cat with a laser weapon. Maybe the Enterprise writers should hear of this idea…

no there’s a story!
It would be over pretty quick. He’s not the most agile of felines.

Oh yeah. I almost started another one called “what was the song where it went…” … of course I realised, strangely enough, that knowing the lyrics would help. La-la-la’ing can only get you so far on a message board.