three days

My son told me to stop at a channel. It wasn’t a cartoon so i wondered huh?
I started watching and ABSOLUTELY got involved in this movie!
We watched the whole thing (Tim Meadows was great) and thought it was one of the best movies we ever saw.

Anyone else liked it?

Its about a couple; the wife dies thinking he cheated on her, an angel gives him another chance.

It’s not a bad movie, but it’s been done. (also see the new movie on lifetime Comfort and Joy, for yet another take.) A friend and I are writing a fic based on the concept too, " The Family G-Man," and our disclaimer is " Disclaimer: So yeah, we’re going to be borrowing CC’s characters, and the idea behind “ The Family Man,” which put a twist on “ It’s a Wonderful Life” which blatantly copied “ A Christmas Carol.” We hope the print doesn’t get blurry from being a copy of a copy of… "

Movies like this one ought to carry similar disclaimers :smiley: