How cool is this? I don’t ordinarily watch the show (past my bedtime), but I’ll definitely be setting my VCR.
Here’s a better link.
David Bowie in claymation? I’m totally there!
(I can do without that Knoxville guy, though.)
It was a great episode live. David Bowie andJohnny Knoxville. What’s not to like?
If you get Comedy Central, the previous night’s Conan is always replayed at 6:30pm. Just a heads up.
That’s pretty out there. I like it, I’ll have to remember to watch.
They had to be careful to say that it was clay animation, not Claymation, which is a proprietary term.
I’m really looking forward to this also. If you are a regular watcher of the “Conan Show”, you know they do not skimp on the costs of their comedy skits (the “What in the World” title card cost around $40,000 alone). So, the fact that they have invested around $850,000 on the clay animation special is quite exciting indeed, and definitely promises to make this episode a keeper.
Did anyone else see this? It was cool. I’m glad I watched it. It was a good episode.
But you know what? It was exactly what I was expecting. I guess that’s good; I can’t think of anything they should have done different. Maybe they should have just said the first five minutes will be clay, and then I would have been surprised and excited that they did more than five minutes. I don’t know.
But yeah, it was really neat. I love this show.
Er… for some reason the thread didn’t bump when I posted, so I’m just bumping it now.
Cute idea, but it’s awfully jerky - it’s giving me a headache trying to watch it.
I watched a bit of it. I’m not a Conan fan, though; I watched the first twenty minutes or so, and just didn’t find it that funny, as usually happens with Conan. So I shut it off.
Terrific idea, though; the show is clearly trying to do inventive things this season, such as when they had the White Stripes on every night for a week. Non-Conan-fan (but major White Stripes fan) that I am, I watched every night that week.
It was a great idea. I wished the soundtrack and the clay animation fit together better as it did feel kind of like a bad dubbing throughout.
They should have done new material. I bet Conan knowing he was clay would have been funnier.
There eyes are making me hungry though. They look just like sprinkles on a birthday cake.
Wasn’t very good. I bet they put a ton of effort into it too. I would’ve rather watched a rerun of that particular episode. Basically, it was like watching the regular show, but thorugh a bad filter or something. You couldn’t see the expressions on anyone’s face or their body movements or anything. The only special stuff they did was a hand reaching in to fix things at one point and out-takes at the end. The out-takes were particularly unfunny; clay figures falling over now and then.
I do give them points for trying something original though.
Reminds me of two other stunts that Late Night did when David Letterman was the host. One episode was entirely redubbed with by the voice actors who dubbed Speed Racer and other Japanese product. For another episode, the image slowly revolved 360 degrees as the show progressed.
Dave also did an episode where the home audience saw the whole show from his perspective, behind the desk. It was great because they added a bunch of in jokes, like the cue cards being changed and so forth.
It was a funny idea and I liked the bit during the monologue when they showed hands coming in and replacing Conan’s mouth.
But after a while it was like doing an all-Mr. Bill episode of SNL. Conan’s reaction to Richard Lewis was hilarious. The clay Conan’s reaction was meaningless.
And the clay Conan would have been a lot funnier if it towered above all his guests.
Bottom line. It was a sweeps’ stunt. And the sooner we get rid of sweeps the sooner we’ll be rid of sweeps’ stunts. Then maybe they’ll try making the shows better instead of stuntier.
Heh! I never saw those…I did see one episode that was entirely dubbed in Spanish with English subtitles.
$850,000 for that? Gumby had better animation, and I don’t think each episode cost nearly that much to make.