tihs is relaly wreid sutff

squeallintney is sequentially

I think what must mess you guys up is that squeal is an actual word.

For me I barely ever see typos … as I posted in the other thread on this I had to go to special classes when I was younger because while I could read fine I had a hard time writing so that people could understand my words… lots of backwards letters and letters in the wrong order within words. Yay for spellcheck :slight_smile:

This only works in sentences, though, right? We wouldn’t recognize the words very quickly if we just saw them individually. A lot of the important structural words (and, but, is, in, the, etc.) aren’t changed.

Arnoiccdg to a rhrceeasch at an Esinlgh utserviiny, it dsoen’t mteatr in waht oredr the ltreets in a wrod are,
I think a major importance is that the words in the OP retain their normal shape. See above :wink:


1290 slyte Dateh Ryas

Spoken like a graphic designer or a typesetter. Are you either one?

I think you’ve nailed it. With the first and last letters unchanged, I still see the basic structure and shape of the type and, if I am familiar with the word, I automatically fill in the rest of it regardless of the positioning of the other letters. I think the other posts about context are also true … if I look at an individual word without reading the OP it’s much harder to “see” it than if I’m reading the paragraph. Very, very interesting.


… reminds me of Vogon poetry.

I was able to read the OP as fast as I normally read, and the only word I had trouble with in this post was “Arnoiccdg.”

This is very cool. I wonder how often I’ve misread something though because I didn’t look at the whole word.

farglestabbeed…Extremely cool :smiley: I think I might have to work that into normal conversation.

peritrochoid not graphic designer or a typesetter. Just a dyslexic Physicist who has studied neural perception.

Still, there’s a subtle difference between subtleties and subtitles.

Taht is so fareknig fnuky. I had no porlbmes radenig yuor psot.

I tinhk I jsut lraend a new ticrk.

I noticed every typo in the thread title. But then again, I’m isnane.

But I didn’t have any problems reading and comprehending the OP itself. Very bizarre.

How bziarre!

like which otehr forum I took it from?

He jsut wntas a ctie

Jsut wnaetd to be the fsrit ahlssoe to ccark the jkoe.

Research is “spelled wrong” cause there’s one too many ch’s and even though I knew what the word was, I noticed it. I had to really look to see what exactly was wrong, but I knew something was, even though I easily read the word. So you can see typos in typos?

And "according " gave me a hard time, one of the few words so far that has. If the d was in it’s proper place, I think I would have skimmed it more easily.
Nope, that doesn’t do it for me. The ‘arno’ makes me think it’s going to be another word for some reason. Kind of like “sequel” at the beginning of “sequentially”. Maybe I’m subconsciously obsessed with Arnold the Pig (from the Old Green Acres tv show). Come to think of it, that pig was pretty smart and had that cute little tail… I think I’ve just had a breakthrough. :eek:

This is really cool! I didn’t miss a beat! Never thought of it before. Maybe it’s the same reason we can read upside down, or backwards, etc.

Aewomse! I bruinng yuor dog.

Had no trouble reading that at all - how odd.

Kind of explains the designated Hitler at well.