Tim Burton' Corpse Bride trailer is up


I can’t view it because I always have trouble downloading Quicktime, and that seems to be the only player that the trailer plays on. Tell me what you guys think.

I have a terrible time getting Quicktime to work on my PC; I have to restart the trailers a hundred times before they’ll actually stream without an interruption…but I will go through it for this trailer.

I saw it. It looks good. I like the stop-motion over cgi sometimes.

The link in the OP is just to the medium sized trailer. Those with more or less bandwidth can choose smaller or bigger versions from here:

Looks like fun. The same style as “Nightmare Before Christmas”, but in computer animation.

Jack Skellington’s dog Zero even has a cameo at the end of the trailer!

This one should be a lot of fun.

I hadn’t heard of this one before. I grew (slowly) to love the Nightmare Before Christmas. I love the look of this one.
