Time for a new Gamecube Game

So a few days ago I splurged and bought a GameCube and Super Mario Sunshine. While I do love the game, I’ve been playing it quite a bit since I got the machine. Anyways, I’m at a point where I’m kinda stuck and getting bored with being stuck, and I think a break from the game would be nice. So what game should I buy next? I’m looking for a game that is more aimed towards one player (but the posibility of two player mode would be nice) as I pretty much just play alone. It’s great for those days off of work when theres nothing to do, and now with my girlfriend hooked on Yahoo spades for hours at a time… Anyways the other big games out there seem to be Animal Crossing and Super Monkey Ball 2. For whatever reason, SMB2 just hasn’t striked me as a game I’d like (though it seems to be getting great reviews) and Animal Crossing (though I could be wrong) seems to be alot like Sim City and with how frustrated I always got with that game I don’t think this would be the one for me. Oh yea, I guess Super Smash Brothers is another big one, but I don’t know to much about it. So what are your suggestions on my next game?

Also would it be considered cheating if I picked up one of those books on Super Mario Sunshine. I believe they are mainly a walk through of all the levels and tell you were coins and whatnot are hidden, I’m not sure if they tell you specifically how to beat certain enemies etc… So does anyone have one of those books (if not for this game, I know they have them for some other games as well) do you consider it cheating??

Super Smash Brothers. I can’t get enough of this game. There is so much to do, it’s ridiculous. I’m not a big fighting game fan, but this one is a game that I couldn’t pull myself away from.

While it’s nothing like the games you have mentioned, have you looked at Resident Evil? This is the only game so far that would make me want to buy a Gamecube.

I played a little Resident Evil on PlayStation but after a while I couldn’t get anywhere, didn’t know really what I was supposed to do, and was a little spooked sitting in my basement by myself. I’m sure had I played more then just my 5 or 6 fifteen minute stretches and maybe read about the game a little I could have gotten more into it. But maybe I should think of that as an option.

I think you’d probably like SUPER MONKEY BALL 2. The main game is simple enough to understand, hard to master. High frustration rate, but that’s what makes it so addicitive. Also has loads of multiplayer extras if you have friends over.

SUPER SMASH BROS. MELEE is fun, but I would peg it as more of a multiplayer experience. Not to say there isn’t loads to do for one player.

ANIMAL CROSSING is, um, different. It’s nothing like SIM CITY. You pretty much wander around a village talking to computer characters, running errands and finding/buying furniture to decorate your house. It’s fun, but not for everyone.

RESIDENT EVIL is a great one player game, although the mechanics may be a bit frustrating. Mostly due to the cumbersome control scheme. But it’s not too difficult, and it looks and plays great.

If you don’t like the awkward controls of RESIDENT EVIL you can pick up ETERNAL DARKNESS: SANITY’S REQUIEM. More of an action title that goes out of its way to freak you out.

If you don’t like horror games, I recommend ROGUE LEADER, a Star Wars aerial combat game. The learning curve is just about right, and I had loads of fun with it.

Well I went and rented Super Smash Brothers. Let’s just say I’m glad I only rented it. I learned it rather quickly but it’s just not for me. It not a bad game or anything, just not for me. My favorite game ever is still Super Mario Brothers (One) for NES. (Which made parts of SSB okay). I’ll try renting some of the other suggestions when I return this one.

If you want one player fun, stay away from Smash Brothers or Monkey Ball. Both are great multiplayer games but the only reason I played Monkey solo was to open up the multiplayer party games. As far as single player games go, I suggest Star Wars Rogue Leader, Eternal Darkness, or Resident Evil. Games you can play solo but have as much fun with two players are Tony Hawk and SSX Tricky. A lot of these are older titles and you can find them cheap new or used. When I first got my Cube, Tricky didn’t leave my console for two months. Absolute fun with a kick@$$ soundtrack.

There’s some good stuff coming in the next few weeks:
Star Fox Adventures
Metroid Prime
The Legend of Zelda…what…part 12?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Mario Party 4.

If you can wait awhile, these should be good.

Oh, and be patient with Super Mario Sunshine. Some of the upper levels are frustrating, but I finally finished the game last week and now I’m just trying to get the remaining shine sprites.

There’s some good stuff coming in the next few weeks:
Star Fox Adventures
Metroid Prime
The Legend of Zelda…what…part 12?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Mario Party 4.

If you can wait awhile, these should be good.

Oh, and be patient with Super Mario Sunshine. Some of the upper levels are frustrating, but I finally finished the game last week and now I’m just trying to get the remaining shine sprites.

Pikmen is awesome. Kiddy graphics, but it’s a thinker.

Star fox adventures is out now, and has surpassed Mario Sunshine and Smash Brothers as my favorite. It is an amazing game, and not at all like your typical Starfox games. Less flying, much much more fighting. What it reminds me of most is a Zelda game. I highly reccomend it.

We’ve had a Gamecube in the place for a while now, and currently its getting more time than the old Playstation 2 (only because GTA: Vice City isn’t out yet…). Animal Crossing is the Number One game on it, mostly because of its high addictiveness. Basically its a life sim, but with tons of different things to do inside of it (even has some old NES game roms hidden in there…we’ve got tennis). Super Monkey Ball (and its sequel) are more multi-player, as is Super Smash Brothers Melee. Both are requirements if you have more than 2 video game loving friends.

If you are just looking for single player games though…hm…if you like Super Mario Sunshine (and you must, its great!), then the closest thing on the Gamecube would be Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (yeah, a remake of a Dreamcast game, but it is very fun, and has some great levels). Spooky game wise, both Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness are well done games, but if you get spooked so early playing Resident Evil, neither one of them are probably your taste. Pikmin, now, is a rather interesting (if short) puzzle game. Its more of a rental though. Do you like sports games? I don’t, though I’ve heard Sega Soccer Slam is a good game as well. Go down to the rental place and try some of these out. I’ve heard good things about Starfox Adventures, but the rental place near here doesn’t have any in yet (aww…).