Time killer - Lets get Osama!

Link to a flash game I found on another board. It may be a little Politically incorrect, but its kind of addictive in a strange way.


Aw, man, that was too easy. I scored 29 out of 30 and I’m normally terrible at this kind of thing. And they have it rigged so Osama moves slower and slower the last 10 shots, so he’s practically just standing there. Talk about shooting ducks in a barrel.

Also, it’s set up so even if he’s behind the pillar, your shot still counts, and it shouldn’t be quite so easy to shoot him as he’s moving across the roof.

And he frequently goes and just “poses” in the window, or in the garbage can.

Game rated 2 for enjoyment.

Opening web page, however, rated a solid 9.5. I love the ray gun. :smiley:

  1. I’m in the NRA, apparently. Not bad, for a pinko Euro Socialist. :slight_smile:
  1. That was pretty easy. Especially considering you can hit the same target 10 times and still get points.

Not bad, I shot a 29 so I guess I am a little rusty.

If you liked that one, try Bin Laden Liquors

Same thing, not sure about the liquor store angle, but I like blasting the SOB with a .45.

Yeah, yeah, yeah… I know its easy. :slight_smile: I think its the background music and sound effects that do it for me.

I spit in your face!
