Time to recognize SD February birthdays! :)

To be honest, the news about Columbia makes me wish I’d started this thread when I got home at 1 AM. Therefore, the tone in this OP will be subdued as compared to past birthday threads.

Yes, that’s right… it is now a new month, and time to recognize those who have a birthday in the month of February. So if you have a birthday this month, post here if you wish. If you’re doing something special, let us know.

Happy birthday to one and all:

El Elvis Rojo
Blue Curls
Happy Lendervedder
Jonathan Chance
Jimmy Quasar

Approximate Phonetic Chinese Version of “Happy Birthday”: (thanks, Nathan!)

“Guung juuk nay fook sow yuen teen tsai, hing hong nay sun sun fie lok. Leen leen doe yao gum yut, suuy doe yao gum jzew, guung hay nay! Guung hay nay!!!”

Approximate English Translation of Above:

“Congrats on this good day of fortune, where we can all gather together. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Every year, this wondrous day arrives; Always, this wondrous time comes. Congratulations! Congratulations!”

Enjoy your special day!


This’ll be a big one, too- 30.

Thank you.

My birthday is big as well, 21. Thanks!

Thanks, F_X!

While my birthday isn’t until tomorrow, I’ll be celebrating it tonight. I’m going to a Chamber of Commerce Ball. Dinner’ll be Filet Mignon, there’s an open bar, I’m wearing a tux paid for by my work, hob-nobbing with the local hoi poloi, all with a pretty girl on my arm. Last year, the Ball actually fell on my birthday, so I spent the whole evening pretending the entire to-do was all for me. Heck, I’ll probably do the same tonight! :slight_smile:

And I’ll probably meet my friends up at the bar for a few Happy toasts after the shindig shuts down.
Ahh, the big 2-8. Somehow I thought I’d be a little more mature (and rich) by now.


I hit 32 on Feb. 26!

What I’ll be doing: Not a damn thing.

Oops, I meant ‘hoity toity.’ The local hoity toity. I, myself, am among the hoi polloi, and very rarely hob nobs with these hoity-toity types, hence my excitement at the opportunity to do so.


F_X, count me in too. I’ll be 43 on Feb. 18th :slight_smile:

February 17th for me.

Dude! What date? I turn 30 on the 16th.

36 for me on the 25th.

Happy birthday, everyone!

Add Blue Curls to the list. :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday all!

I’ll be 31 :eek:

Whoops! I just saw she’s already on there. Never mind!

I turn seventeen on the twenty-eighth. Yay.

53 on the 25th… Jonathan I shall tip a glass to ya!!!
Happy birthday Dad!! 23rd(he’ll be 76 this year)! Father in law would have been 81 in the 23rd… LOVE ya Francis. I miss ya a lot !! You taught me more than you will ever know!

my B-day is Tuesday the 4th

I’ll be 39 on Tuesday (the 4th).

I’ll be 32 on the 10th. Pretty soon I will have to start mixing Metamucil with the Cuervo.

:eek: Both Jimmy Quasar and Coldfire share a birthday with my sister… she’ll turn 20 on the 16[sup]th[/sup].


I’ll be 53 on Monday, February 3rd. When I consider the alternative, 53 doesn’t sound so bad. Happy Birthday to all other February Dopers.